Update on Rural Municipality of Murray Harbour
Honourable Rob Lantz, Minister of Housing, Land and Communities issued the following statement regarding the Rural Municipality of Murray Harbour:
“The deadline for Mr. John Robertson to follow a ministerial directive to comply with the sanctions placed on him by the Rural Municipality of Murray Harbour or resign from his role on council has lapsed without resolution.
Legal services has advised the Department that the current legislation as written does not allow the Minister to make a final determination without carrying out an independent inquiry into the conduct of Mr. Robertson, regardless of the inquiry already conducted by the Rural Municipality of Murray Harbour.
On January 22, 2024, I signed an Inquiry Order appointing Mr. Michael Drake of McInnes Cooper to carry out the inquiry into the conduct of Mr. Roberston and the response to sanctions.
This matter has gone on for far too long and we do not want to delay the outcome of this situation any further. I have asked Mr. Drake to conduct his inquiry as quickly as possible while ensuring proper due diligence.
The decision before me is unprecedented and one that cannot be taken lightly. As a former municipal councillor, I respect and appreciate the role of democratically elected local governments. We need to follow the letter of the law concerning the Municipal Government Act so that we are confident a decision can hold up.”
Media contact:
April Gallant
Senior Communications Officer
Housing, Land and Communities