Child Care and Early Years Services Licences
The PEI Early Learning and Child Care Board is responsible for licensing and licence renewal of early learning and child care programs according to the Early Learning and Child Care Act.
What do I need to apply for a Family Home Centre Licence?
If you are changing the licence category of your early learning and child care centre or adjusting the services you provide, you must apply for a modification to your existing Early Learning and Child Care Licence. You can use the online service below to...
Early learning and childcare centres are licensed through the Early Learning and Child Care Board in according to the requirements of the Early Learning and Child Care Act and Regulations.
The board also monitors and investigates complaints.
What do I...
The Early Learning and Child Care Board issues a licence to a child care facility based on requirements specified in the Early Learning and Child Care Act. As part of the licensing process, Environmental Health inspects child care facilities and reports...
Early Years Centre Designation
Prince Edward Island is recognized across Canada as a leader in Early Learning and Child Care. The Government of Prince Edward Island is committed to the continued development of our successful Early Learning and Child...
The PEI Early Learning and Child Care Registry provides parents and guardians with an easy way to search and sign up for early learning programs and child care on Prince Edward Island. To maximize your chances of accessing a program in the time frame you...
A licence to operate an early learning and child care centre is valid for three years. Please complete the online form below to apply for Early Learning and Child Care Licence Renewal.
In Prince Edward Island, the Early Learning and Child Care Board...