Healthy School Communities
The Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) supports comprehensive school health initiatives across Canada. Its members include health and education representatives responsible for school health from each province and territory (except...
School breakfast and snack programs encourage healthy eating, ensure students come to class prepared to learn, and support positive nutrition habits which help improve academic achievement.
Each week, community volunteers and school staff help provide...
School nutrition policies play an important role in creating healthy school environments and in supporting healthy lifestyles of children and youth; both of which support student success and academic achievement.
School boards have school nutrition...
Triple P is a parenting program used across Canada and around the world. Triple P does not tell you how to parent but does provide you with tools and strategies you can use. You choose the tools and strategies you need to fit your family. Whether you...
Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.
Health Promotion is strongly linked to the global challenge of non-communicable disease, also known as chronic disease. It situates health as a...