Municipal Finances and Reporting
Under the Municipal Government Act, the Minister has a much wider range of powers and tools to ensure greater accountability, transparency and good governance.
Financial Audit
The Minister will be able to appoint an auditor to examine the accounts of a...
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) can use this form to submit financial information to the Minister on behalf of the municipality.
What financial information must be submitted?
Municipalities are required by the Municipal Government Act and...
What is a financial plan?
A financial plan, which used to be called a budget, must be adopted by all municipalities. The municipal fiscal year runs from April 1 – March 31. Property taxation is on the calendar year. The financial plan contains:
The Municipal Government Act describes processes and procedures for municipalities to provide grants and supports to residents including types of assistance and support, conditions on loans and guarantees of loan repayment, and bylaw requirements.
The Municipal Expenditure Tool was developed by the Infrastructure Secretariat and can assist municipalities with their asset management program.
Search below for a Municipality’s recent financial statements. For a list of PEI Municipalities.
If you are unable to find financial statements for the municipal government you are searching for or would like assistance please contact Municipal Affairs...
This page was created to provide a one stop for municipal governments to find the required submission links, and forms needed or required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA). Please let us know if we are missing a form by emailing municipalaffairs@gov....
Here is the municipal operating budget as a sample template for municipalities. Please ensure that you update the year of the budget to the most current one on the index tab, all other information will remain the same.
Search for property charge rates using the fields below. Non-commercial and commercial provincial and municipal tax rates, Island Waste Management Corporation dues, and fire rates are listed depending on the municipality or fire district selected.