When people come in contact with young mammals or birds that seem to be abandoned or lost, it is human nature to step in and try to help. Often these animals are found near homes or cottages and in places where we walk, cycle and enjoy nature.
Bird watching and bird feeding are common pastimes for many Islanders. Since records began, some 368 bird species have been observed on the Island in forests, coastal regions, wetlands and other areas.
The Birds of Prince Edward Island and Nature PEI...
Hunting Summary
What should I do if I find a dead wild animal on my property?
Property owners are responsible for disposing of dead wild animals found on their property. Many simply bury the dead animal on their own property. However if you do, be sure to wear...
Wild creatures live all around us and usually they go unnoticed as we go about our daily lives. However, sometimes they can create problems by feeding on crops or garbage, making loud noises, spreading diseases or harming livestock and pets.
Where can...
There are currently no new properties proposed for designation under the Wildlife Management Act.
As new properties are proposed, information will be posted here for comment.
Comments can be sent to:
Director of Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division...