Riverdale Orchard and Cidery: Immigration at Work

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Anne and Alex Jamieson wanted to immigrate to Canada for many years. After a few vacations to PEI, and meeting many great friends, they decided to make the move and open their own Cider business. The welcoming and friendly people in PEI have helped put them at ease and make their life so much better, as their business continues to be grow. Learn more about Anne and Alex's story in the video below. 

Date de publication : 
le 16 Mai 2023
Bureau de l'immigration

Renseignements généraux

Bureau de l'immigration
94, rue Euston, 2e étage
C.P. 1176
Charlottetown, (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7M8

Téléphone: 902-620-3628
Télécopieur: 902-368-5886
