Network of Excellence energy efficiency contractors

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If you're looking for a contractor, search efficiencyPEI's Network of Excellence contractor list.
Network of Excellence contractors have up to date information on efficiencyPEI programs and services, and participate in ongoing trade-specific training. They meet provincial regulations and standards.
Heat pumps must be installed by a Network of Excellence contractor to be eligible for an efficiencyPEI rebate. Solar must be installed by an approved solar installer on the Network of Excellence to be eligible for a solar rebate.
Register with the Network of Excellence
efficiencyPEI works to serve clients as they move toward improving the energy efficiency and comfort of their homes. The Network of Excellence is a group of local contractors who will deliver programs and help ensure that efficiencyPEI clients receive high quality, consistent and reliable service.
What are the benefits of joining the Network of Excellence?
Since its inception, efficiencyPEI has delivered programs to more than 13,000 households across the province. The Network of Excellence allows us to provide clients with a list of contractors who they can be sure meet Provincial regulations and standards, and have agreed to follow a code of conduct established by efficiencyPEI.
As of April 2019, selecting a Network of Excellence contractor will be a mandatory for air source heat pump and solar photovoltaic efficiencyPEI rebate programs. In addition to the promotional opportunities provided through the rebate programs, efficiencyPEI will provide the contractors:
- Ongoing workshops
- Continuing education
- Consistent updates on changes to rebate programs
- Trade specific training
- Marketing opportunities
- A business listing on
How can I sign up?
In order to join the Network of Excellence, a contractor must:
- Review and sign the Participation Agreement with efficiencyPEI;
- Provide copies of required Provincial licenses and registrations (as required for each trade);
- Provide proof of Insurance and Workers Compensation Coverage (as outlined in the Participation Agreement);
- Include two (2) business reference letters;
- Attend an in-person meeting with efficiencyPEI.
If you are a contractor and wish to be a part of this network please contact efficiencyPEI at 1-877-734-6336 or to receive a copy of the Participation Agreement.