Municipal Government Act and Regulations

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) raises the standards in good governance, financial accountability, administration, and service delivery while granting municipalities greater authority, flexibility, and discretion. The MGA came into effect on December 23, 2017.

What regulations are part of the MGA

Certain requirements of the MGA are subject to additional regulations.  Below is a summary of the key regulations currently in effect:

Access to Information and Protection of Personal Information Regulation

  • Govern access to information and protection of personal information. 

Campaign Contributions and Election Expenses Bylaw Regulations 

  • Outlines the required content for a municipality's mandatory bylaw for campaign contributions and election expenses

Code of Conduct Regulations 

  • Specifies the required content for a municipality's mandatory code of conduct bylaw, as outlined in subsection 107(1) and clause 261(1)(e) of the MGA.

Financial Plan Regulations 

  • Details requirements for municipal financial planning and reporting.   

General Regulations 

  • Addresses specific notice requirements and insurance obligations for municipalities. 

Municipal Election Regulations

  • Governs the running and conduct of municipal elections.  

Procedural Bylaw Regulations 

  • Defines the minimum content for a municipality’s mandatory procedural bylaw.      

Principles, Standards and Criteria Regulations 

  • Provides guidelines related to municipal restructuring and the creation of new municipalities. 

Plebiscite Regulations

  • Governs the conduct of a municipal plebiscite. 

Records Retention Regulations

  • Defines what constitutes a record and sets requirements for record keeping.
Date de publication : 
le 27 Juin 2024
Logement, Terres et Communautés

Renseignements généraux

Affaires municipales
Immeuble Aubin Arsenault, 2e étage
3, chemin Brighton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-620-3558
Télécopieur : 902-569-7545

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