Municipalités : croissance, limites et changements
Les municipalités jouent un rôle important dans la prestation des services locaux à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Or, celles-ci font face à des responsabilités et à des attentes de plus en plus complexes, tant du point de vue de leurs habitants que de celui...
What are the classes of municipalities?
The following classes of municipalities can be created:
Rural Municipality
Municipalities that were called Communities (including former Community Improvement Committees and Villages) under...
How is a new municipality created?
A new municipality can be created when:
An area, or areas, not covered by a municipality (unincorporated) is established as a municipality.
An existing municipality moves from one class to another class.
What is Dissolution?
Dissolution is the process for a municipality to stop being a municipality. It results in an area being unincorporated and without a local council.
See an overview of the Municipal Dissolution Process
How does the municipal...
This map shows the municipalities of PEI. It shows which municipalities have official plans and land use bylaws and which municipalities do not.
This process map shows how a municipal dissolution could take place under the Municipal Government Act (MGA). See Part 2 of the MGA for full description of the process.
What is municipal restructuring?
Municipal restructuring is when a municipality changes its boundaries. It can include the process of amalgamation (when two or more municipalities join together to make one municipality) and annexation (when a...
The Municipal Government Act sets out requirements and consistent processes for changing municipal boundaries including criteria and conditions for initiating and restructuring municipal boundaries, the process to change the name or class of a...
This process map shows how a municipal restructuring could take place under the Municipal Government Act (MGA). See Part 2 of the MGA for full description of the process.