About: Social Development and Seniors

The Department of Social Development and Seniors supports Islanders most in need and helps promote resiliency through community partnerships and programs. 

Services provided directly or in partnership with community organizations include: financial assistance, child and family services and supports for people living with disabilities. The department supports the Seniors Secretariat which ensures that the voices of Island seniors are heard by government.

Some of the priorities in this mandate are to:

  • Lead the development of a comprehensive poverty elimination strategy
  • Review and update social support programs
  • Contribute in the development of a long-term mental health and addictions strategy
  • Work with other departments to ensure that Islanders with the greatest needs are being served 

Structure and Employees

Child and Family Services

The mandate of Child and Family Services is to provide a wide range of programs, services and resources to children, families and communities across the province to include Child Protection Services, Residential Services, Foster Care, Adoption Services, Family Ties and Family Violence Prevention. 

View employee list
Child Protection Services
Minister's Office
Social Programs

The Social Programs Division provides services in areas such as social assistance, childcare subsidies and AccessAbility Supports. The Division also provides administrative supports to the AccessAbility Advisory Council which provides policy and program advice, promotes public awareness, and fosters the development of partnerships among persons living with disabilities, government and community. The Social Programs Division provides funding grants to community organizations to provide residential services for persons with intellectual and physical disabilities.

View employee list
Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program
Strategy, Policy and Seniors
Minister's Office
Deputy Minister
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Minister
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Minister
Senior Communications Officer

General Inquiries

Department of Social Development and Seniors
2nd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3777
Toll-free: 1-866-594-3777
Fax: 902-894-0242
