Grow the Herd Pilot Program
The Grow the Herd Pilot Program is designed to grow the beef cow population in the province and increase the number of beef cattle processed in PEI. The PEI livestock strategy was released in 2021 to address the decline in beef cattle numbers in the province. The strategy focuses on the role of livestock in soil health, climate change mitigation, and a vibrant rural economy.
These initiatives seek to provide incentives for producers to increase the number of animals bred and raised in the province. The Grow The Herd Pilot Program has two components:
Am I eligible to apply for Grow the Herd funding?
The following includes a summary of program and funding eligibility. Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the Grow the Herd Pilot Program Guidelines.
Heifer or Cow Retention / Purchase Incentive
The Heifer or Cow Retention / Purchase Incentive is intended to expand the current cow herd size in PEI.
Eligible Recipients
- Mi’kmaq First Nations and other indigenous groups involved in beef production;
- Agricultural producers; and
- Others as approved by the Prince Edward Island Livestock Strategy Program Review Committee.
- All recipients must have a current Premise Identification Number.
- To access this program, eligible applicants must provide a herd growth plan that identifies their goals and a plan for achieving them. Applicants are encouraged to work with the Livestock Champion or the Provincial Beef Development Officer to develop a herd growth plan, if not yet completed, to achieve herd resilience and growth objectives.
Eligible Activities/Expenses
- Possession of bred heifers or the acquisition of bred heifers, bred cows or cow-calf pairs above and beyond the usual 5% replacement rate.
- All purchased animals must be confirmed pregnant by a veterinarian or presented for veterinarian confirmation with her calf. CCIA ear tag numbers will be required. See APPENDIX A in the application form.
- Activities related to the marketing of the Certified Island Beef brand.
Proof of cull will be requested for missing animals in the form of:
- Documentation from Atlantic Beef Products Inc. (ABP) or provincial abattoirs of animal processing;
- Verification by deadstock service; or
- Verification of death or recommended euthanasia by a veterinarian for farms that do not utilize deadstock services.
Certified Island Beef (CIB) Brand Incentive
The Certified Island Beef (CIB) Brnad Incentive will increase the availability of cattle eligible for marketing under the Certified Island Beef (CIB) marketing brand.
Eligible Recipients
- Mi’kmaq First Nations and other indigenous groups involved in beef production;
- Agricultural producers; and
- Others as approved by the Prince Edward Island Livestock Strategy Program Review Committee.
- All recipients must have a current Premise Identification Number.
Eligible Incentives for Cow-calf Producers
- Certified Island Beef Marketing Supplement – designed to increase the supply of CIB eligible animals. Cow/calf, backgrounders, and dairy/beef producers will receive support of $50/head to:
- Market to a CIB feedlot; and/or
- Retain animals for finishing in a CIB feedlot.
- Producers retaining their own animals will be limited to a maximum of $5,000 per year and will be required to provide an Atlantic Beef Products Inc. (ABP) Carcass Grade Slip upon slaughter.
- Livestock retained for on-farm finishing will be audited annually until shipped and an ABP Carcass Grade Slip is provided.
- Animals claimed must have a transport manifest (APPENDIX B in the application form) and bill of sale to a CIB feedlot, or a signed declaration or retention for finishing.
Eligible Incentives for Feedlot Operators
- Certified Island Beef Grade Supplement – designed to increase the supply of CIB eligible animals. Feedlot producers will receive $57 per head to supply cattle to Atlantic Beef Products that are eligible for a CIB bonus. Minimum criteria are:
- Audited as a CIB producer;
- AAA marbling score or better; and
- Carcass weight between 750 pounds and 950 pounds.
- To be eligible, producers must provide a completed CIB shipping manifest to the animal receiver on arrival at ABP.
What do I need to complete the application form?
Information required for all programs:
The Grow the Herd Pilot Program has two components, or sub-programs:
- Heifer Retention/ Heifer or Cow Purchase
- A detailed herd growth plan must be submitted
- Appendix A in the application form
- Certified Island Beef Incentives
- For cow calf producers selling to a CIB approved feedlot, please complete Appendix B in the application form.
- For finished cattle, a completed application form
- A CIB manifest must be supplied at the time of delivery to Atlantic Beef Products.
For more information contact:
PEI Department of Agriculture
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8
Telephone: (902) 368-4880
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