Soil Health Analysis for PEI Producers & Watersheds Project

The Soil Health Analysis for PEI Island Producers and Watersheds Project is a project under the Agriculture Stewardship Program . The project is designed to support environmental sustainability and  environmental management decisions, soil health, and improvements to agronomic productivity.

Who is eligible for free soil health testing?

Eligible participants in this program include registered PEI farms (with a gas tax number), members of the Future Farmer Program, or individual PEI watershed groups.

What is covered?

The project covers the additional costs of soil health analysis, which is considered an add-on testing package to standard chemistry analysis.

What is not covered?

The funding does not cover the cost of the S3 chemistry analysis (which is required to complete a soil health analysis on a soil sample). Soil chemistry analysis is a critical component of soil health. Therefore, a client that is eligible for the funding and wishes to have the most comprehensive soil health analysis completed should submit two matching samples along with the respective forms (one sample for S3 chemical analysis and one for a soil health analysis). The S3 chemistry analysis rate can be found in the fee schedule.

Do I need to apply?

Eligible clients do not need to apply for the funding. The soil health analysis fee will be waived at the time of sample submission/drop off.

How do I collect and/or submit a soil health sample?

How long is the funding being offered?

This funding arrangement is in place until March 31, 2024. Funding is limited and will be subject to availability based on volume of samples submitted.

For more information contact:

Soil Health Development and Research Coordinator
PEI Department of Agriculture and Land
11 Kent Street, PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N8
Telephone: (902) 314-0791

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a new $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028), between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. The agreement includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and $2.5 billion in cost-shared programs and activities funded by federal, provincial and territorial governments..

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Logo  Government of Canada Logo

Published date: 
March 11, 2024
Provincial logo with PEI Analytic Lab

General Inquiries

PEI Analytical Laboratories
23 Innovation Way,
BioCommons Park,
Charlottetown, PE C1E 0B7

Phone: 902-620-3300
Fax: 902-569-7778

Hours of Operation:
Summer (June - September) 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Winter (October - May) 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.