Resources for Forest Practitioners

Government of Prince Edward Island Resources
PEI Ecosystem-Based Forest Management Standards Manual (1.1MB)
Prince Edward Island Forest Wildlife Manual (3.9MB)
Prince Edward Island Open Data Portal - this is an open portal to search for forest outlines and inventories up to 2010 (including the 2010 corporate land-use)
Information on Land Conservation Options for Ecologically-Significant Lands
Quick Guide for Land Protection Options on PEI
PEI Environmental Protection Act - Watercourse and Wetland Protection Regulations
Native Trees and Woodland Shrubs of PEI (3.5MB)
PEI Resources
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre Conservation Ranks
- Search Results for Prince Edward Island (all taxa)
MacPhail Woods Ecological Forestry Project
PEI Woodlot Owners Association
- Forest Birds on PEI Factsheet (2.1MB)
Atlantic Canada Resources
A Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship (7MB) (Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources)
Nova Scotia Woodlot Management Home Study Program (Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources)
Forested Wetlands Project Factsheet (13.4MB)
Nova Scotia Forest Ecosystem Classification
Government of Canada Resources
A Guide to Your Responsibilities Under the Species at Risk Act
Species at Risk Public Registry
Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Regulations
Guidelines to Avoid Harm to Migratory Birds
Nesting Zones and Periods of Migratory Birds
Resources from Outside Atlantic Canada
Forests for the Birds: Conserving America's Forest Birds (Webinar Series)
Audubon Vermont Foresters for the Birds Program
- Birds with Silviculture in Mind (Pocket Guide) (1.2MB)
- A Guide to Integrating Bird Habitat Assessment into Timber Inventory
Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Forest Birds at Risk (Dr. Cindy Staicer, Dalhousie University)
- Canada Warbler (13MB)
- Eastern Wood-pewee (18.7MB)
- Olive-sided Flycatcher (9.4MB)
- Common Nighthawk (11.3MB)
- Rusty Blackbird (10.4MB)
Helpful Apps for Your Phone
iNaturalist can be used to upload your photos of shrubs, trees, lichens, wildflowers, birds, mammals etc. right from your phone. This app can try to identify your observation, and other app users may also try to identify your observation. iNaturalist is widely used by naturalists across PEI.
Merlin uses visual features or audio recordings to help identify bird species.
For more information, please contact Forests, Fish and Wildlife at 902-368-6450 or at