Geographical Naming Advisory Committee
The Geographical Naming Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) reviews and assesses complex PEI geographical naming requests. The level of complexity of a name change application can be influenced by a variety of factors including: derogatory nature of existing names, conflicting views within the community, duplication of names, disagreement on geographical boundaries, or involvement of more than one jurisdiction (Federal lands or parks, municipalities, etc.)
Primary Role: Non-Adjudicative
Material Role: Advisory
What is the function of the Committee?
The purpose of the Geographical Naming Advisory Committee is to review and assess complex geographical name change requests while considering the six guiding principles of the PEI Geographic Naming and Renaming Program. The process will involve developing a public engagement plan designed to inform, educate and engage about naming/renaming and proposed names. The Committee will have access to governmental support throughout the geographical naming process and will ultimately make a recommendation to Executive Council based on the application and supporting information. Supporting information will include any background research conducted on the place or name (government databases, historical records, etc.) as well as demonstration of community support (letters, community engagement reports, etc.) for the name change request.
The Committee will perform advisory functions related to the renaming process, which will include:
- Review and assess the name change application;
- Validate government staff’s preliminary decision to accept or reject application, including alignment to PEI’s guiding principles;
- Determine if proposed name has sufficient support, or, develop name options if no name is proposed in application;
- Determine level of research required (by Advisory Committee) to support the process for defining a proposed name;
- Develop and implement public engagement plan based on necessary level of engagement; and
- Make recommendation to Executive Council based on application and supporting information.
How many people are on the Committee?
The membership structure for the Committee includes up to 8 members identified through Engage PEI; including:
- Up to 5 members, each with a 3-year term (potential for renewal for an additional 2-3 years) who have experience with;
- Indigenous representation and expertise;
- Inclusiveness representation and expertise (e.g. Anti-Racism Table, Acadian and Francophone Community Advisory Committee, etc.);
- Historical expertise; and
- Technical expertise (Government staff who is an ex-officio of the Committee);
- Up to 3 floating members from communities across Prince Edward (established for each application call with the same members for all applications, or, different community members for specific applications based on nature of request).
For the initial appointments to the Committee, the terms will be staggered between 2 and 3 years so that only 50% of the Committee members are up for renewal in any given year.
What is the time commitment of the Committee?
The Committee will convene on up to six occasions annually, or at the pleasure of the Committee, in person or by video conference. Quorum for meetings shall be 50% + 1 of the membership. The first meeting will establish the meeting schedule and future agenda.
Time commitment for the Committee will depend on the number and complexity of any naming requests that are brought forward to the Committee.
What are the requirements of the council?
It is recommended that board member collectively have the following attributes (a) indigenous representation; (b) historical expertise; (c) inclusiveness representation and expertise; (d) technical expertise.
What are the nomination requirements?
Traditional Nomination Requirements
Appointments to the Committee shall be made by the Minister.
Geographical Naming Advisory Committee - Members
Name | County | Term Start | Term End |
Stephanie Compton | Kings | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2025 |
Tammy Pigott | Kings | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2025 |
Jason MacIntyre | Kings | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2025 |
Zachary Gould | Queens | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2026 |
Donald Stewart | Queens | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2026 |
Carol Craswell | Queens | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2027 |
Jean-Paul Arsenault | Queens | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2027 |
Nancy Peters-Doyle | Prince | March 19, 2024 | March 19, 2027 |
How do I apply?
If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI.
Will I be paid?
Chair - $113/diem and members - $73/diem
Who can I contact?
Fax: (902) 368 6584
Taxation and Property Records: (902) 368-4070