Free Home Insulation Program

Due to high demand, the Free Home Insulation Program is temporarily closed to new applicants. This pause will help us manage the current client backlog and prepare more installers to reduce wait times. The program will re-open once the backlog is under control.

If you’d like to join the waitlist, please apply through the Net Zero Free Programs single-intake application: [Net Zero Free Programs]. If you qualify for the Free Insulation Program, you’ll see an option to join the waitlist after entering your income information. If you have any questions, please email

Free heat pumps and free electric hot water heaters are still available for eligible Islanders and wait-times for these equipment types are minimal.

If you have already applied for free insulation, please be aware the current wait times can reach 10+ months. We appreciate your patience as we work through the applications. 


Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5044
Toll-free: 1-866-368-5044
Fax: 902-368-5830
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