Community Care and Private Nursing Home Facilities and Inspection Reports
The following facilities are licensed to provide supportive care services and nursing care services under the authority of the Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Board in accordance with Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Act, Regulations and Standards.
Please note that some facilities are licensed to provide both community care and nursing care.
The Department of Health and Wellness is responsible for inspecting nursing homes and community care facilities under the Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Act and related Regulations and Operational Standards. Licensing inspections are unannounced and occur at least annually for both nursing homes and community care facilities.
Inspections are also conducted by other government departments including Justice and Public Safety (Fire), the Chief Public Health Office (Environmental Health), Social Development and Housing (Building), and Agriculture and Land (Elevator, Boiler and Pressure Vessels, Electrical). These inspections must be completed annually and kept up to date prior to the issuance or the renewal of a license.
Inspection Reports
Nursing home and community care facilities are inspected to make sure they meet the requirements under the Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Act and related Regulations and Operational Standards. Inspection reports list areas of compliance, partial compliance and non-compliance found during inspections. Facilities receive a report of compliance [C] where all requirements for a standard are met, partial compliance [PC] where some of the criteria for that standard are met, or non-compliance [NC] where minimal evidence of the minimum standard is met.
At times a facility may have partial compliance items noted in a care service inspection report. Facilities must provide confirmation to the Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Board when these items have been addressed. Care services inspection reports may also include recommendations where care service inspectors identify opportunities for quality improvements that may benefit resident care.
A facility may have a positive overall licensing inspection and be commended for quality of care; however, those comments are not included in the report. Partial compliance or non-compliance items identified within inspection reports reflect the findings during the inspection dates noted in the report. In some cases, these items may have been resolved prior to the report being posted. Specific questions, regarding the inspection report, should be directed to the facility.
Provisional licenses require additional visits from inspectors. In the case of a care service provisional license an updated provisional inspection report will be completed and posted online. These particular inspections are focused on the areas of partial and non-compliance within the previous inspection.
Publication on Website
The publication of the annual Care Service Inspection Report is part of the government’s commitment to public accountability and transparency.
Operators will be given a copy of the inspection report once the inspection is complete. Operators can appeal a decision made by Community Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Board by notifying the Minister of Health and Wellness within ten days of receiving notice of the licensing decision. If after 10 business days there is no request, the care service inspection report and Board letter will be posted on the government website.
The inspection reports found on this website contain information related to the care service inspection, with personal information removed to protect and respect the privacy of residents and employees.
Visitors to this website are cautioned against interpreting the status of a facility based solely on one inspection report. Visitors are encouraged to browse the history of the facilities and do other research, such as contacting the facility before arriving at any conclusions.