Obtaining a Water and Wastewater Operator Certificate

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

Do I need an Operator's Certificate to operate a water or wastewater facility?

You do not need a certificate to operate a water/wastewater system. You do need a certificate to be designated an Operator in Direct Responsible Charge (DRC) of a facility.

What if I do not have a licensed DRC operator for my facility?

Under the regulations you must find and designate an operator in charge. A list of licensed contract operators who may be willing to manage your system is available. Once an operator is chosen, you must submit a completed Designation of Certified Operator in Charge of Facility Form to the Department. This form is required for facilities that are classified as Small Water / Very Small Water Facilities as well as Class I-IV Facilities.

What are the certification categories?

An operator can become certified in four categories, as listed below: 

  • Water Treatment
  • Water Distribution
  • Wastewater Collection
  • Wastewater Treatment

Each of these categories, with the exception of Small Water Systems, has four classification levels, as listed below.  As the classification levels increase, the knowledge and experience requirements also increase.

  • Class I
  • Class II
  • Class III
  • Class IV

How can I obtain a certificate?

To become certified, an operator must meet the education and experience requirements defined by the ABC Canadian Best Practices and successfully complete an examination administered by the Department. A minimum passing mark of 70% is required. 

When can I write the exam?

A current exam schedule is available. If you wish to write the examination, please complete and submit the application form to write the exam.

What does the exam cost?

The fee to write a water or wastewater facility operator certification exam is $100, HST exempt. Please make cheques payable to the Minister of Finance.

How long will it take to get my certificate?

Certification exams for Level I to Level IV operators are offered every four months. Allow up to four weeks to renew a certificate.

Does a license have an expiry?

Yes, licenses expire every four years from the date of issuance. If you want to renew an operator certification certificate you must:

  • Pay the $50 license renewal fee
  • Complete and submit the application form 
  • Provide proof of completed training courses to meet the CEU requirements of the license


Date de publication : 
le 6 Février 2025