PEI Reporting Issuer List

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

Issuers that are reporting issuers must make periodic filings with the Superintendent of Securities under the Securities Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. S-3.1 and rules.

We maintain a list of issuers who are reporting issuers in Prince Edward Island. A reporting issuer in Prince Edward Island can be taken as not being in default in Prince Edward Island if it is not in default in its principal jurisdiction and does not appear on the list of Reporting Issuers defaulted by the PEI Office of the Superintendent of Securities.

List of Reporting Issuers defaulted by PEI Office of the Superintendent:

(Currently there is no list of defaulted reporting issuers - September 9, 2024)

The Reporting Issuer List is updated weekly and will be posted to this website.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information included in the reporting issuer list; however, the accuracy of the list cannot be guaranteed. A reporting issuer that does not appear on this list or an issuer that is not reporting that does appear on the list should contact Terry Mutch at (902) 620-3870 or by e-mail at

PEI Reporting Issuer List (541 Kb) as of September 9, 2024.

Date de publication : 
le 9 Septembre 2024
Justice et de la Sécurité publique

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Division des services financiers et aux consommateurs
Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité publique
Immeuble Shaw (nord), 1er étage
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
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