Report Marine or Shoreline Debris

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You can contribute to our efforts in preserving our marine ecosystem by reporting debris you find along our shorelines, estuaries, ponds, and lakes.  Your observations can help us identify problem areas, assess the scale of the issue, and take targeted action to address unwanted or potentially hazardous debris in marine areas. The responsibility of managing debris and garbage produced by private residences, including those situated along the shoreline, falls solely on the property owners or occupants.

Use the online form below to provide as much information as possible about the type and location of marine debris, or call Contact PEI at 1-833-734-1873. (Report an environmental emergency at 1-800-565-1633.)

Please prioritize your safety. Do not put yourself in harm's way or attempt to remove large or hazardous items without appropriate assistance. Report your findings so professionals can assess and handle the situation accordingly.

What sort of detail should I provide?

Carefully observe and note as much detail as possible to help us accurately locate and assess the situation and effectively coordinate cleanup efforts, including: 

  • Your name and contact information, for follow up if necessary (contact approval optional)
  • Sighting date and time; 
  • Location: Geographic information to help us pinpoint the exact area, i.e. nearest civic address, GPS coordinates, landmarks, or other identifiable features. 
  • Position: Precise information to help us coordinate assessment and/or recovery, i.e. open water, lake, estuary, shoreline or harbor (drop-down list provided); 
  • Type: Briefly describe the debris and specify if it is potentially hazardous and why, i.e. fallen trees, building material, road signs, buoys or fishing gear (check box provided); 
  • Size and weight: Approximate length, width, and weight and, if heavy equipment may be required (text box provided);
  • Photos: Capturing clear images from different angles and showing any identifying landmarks will provide visual evidence and assist with finding the debris and better understanding the problem (upload field provided); 

Why is it important to report marine and shoreline debris?

Reporting marine and shoreline debris is crucial for several reasons including:

  • Awareness and data collection: Your reports contribute to our understanding of the extent and nature of marine and shoreline debris. By collecting data, we can identify patterns, hotspots, and trends, which inform targeted cleanup efforts and policy decisions.
  • Prompt action: Reporting helps expedite response and cleanup activities. Timely intervention can prevent further damage to ecosystems and protect wildlife from entanglement or ingestion hazards.
  • Community engagement: Reporting marine debris engages the community in actively caring for our coastal environment. It fosters a sense of responsibility and empowers individuals to take ownership of their surroundings.
  • Long-term solutions: By reporting marine debris, you become part of a collective effort to find long-term solutions. The data gathered from reports can guide initiatives to reduce the sources of marine debris, improve waste management practices, and promote sustainable behaviors.

What will happen after I submit the information?

Our team will review the information and forward it to the Aquaculture Alliance for coordination of cleanup and removal. Please note it may take additional time to assess the issue and coordinate a response. Submitting another report of an issue previously reported and not yet addressed may cause a delay. 

Thank you for your commitment to keeping our shores clean and safeguarding our marine environment. Together, we can work towards cleaner and healthier environment.

Pêches, Tourisme, Sport et Culture

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Pêches, du Tourisme, du Sport et de la Culture
Immeuble Shaw, 3ème étage (nord)
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5956