Initiatives stratégiques et propriétés
Where can I find information on current building construction tenders?
Building Construction tender opportunities are available via the local newspapers and the online tenders site.
How can I rent space to Transportation and Infrastructure?
The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) is a national program, helping PEI communities invest in local infrastructure priorities, including projects for housing growth. CCBF provides predictable and flexible funding across 19 different project...
The Government of Prince Edward Island may purchase privately owned land for the construction or realignment of roads/highways, to build public institutions such as schools, hospitals and provincial housing, or to protect wildlife or environmentally...
It is possible to lease provincially owned land from Government. The tenant must adhere to the terms and conditions of the lease agreement and carry adequate insurance, with Government named as an additional insured.
If you are leasing land from...
Property Assessment Report
Access PEI - Montague
Hazardous Material Assessment
Access PEI - O'Leary
Hazardous Material Assessment
Access PEI - Summerside
Hazardous Material Assessment...
Provincial lands are used for such things as highways and roads; public institutions such as schools, hospitals and provincial housing; and for recreational use such as provincial beaches, parks and natural areas.
Provincially owned land is managed and...
Provincially owned property that is not intended for future use may be declared surplus to the needs of Government and include such things as:
Abandoned road beds;
Properties acquired from the Department of Finance for nonpayment of property taxes;...
Pour que l’Î.-P.-É. réduise de manière importante ses émissions provenant des transports et pour qu’elle atteigne ses objectifs ambitieux en matière de climat, nous devons changer la façon dont nous nous déplaçons d’un endroit à l’autre et veiller à...