Préparation au démarrage d’entreprise
PerLE est un service qui fournit aux entrepreneurs un accès simplifié à des renseignements sur les permis et licences d’entreprises et les autres exigences nécessaires pour créer, exploiter et faire croître leur entreprise.
Quels avantages PerLE me...
If you plan to hire employees you must become familiar with your legislated rights and responsibilities as an employer. The Employment Standards Act, the Youth Employment Act as well as other labour legislation sets rules and requirements for employers...
Depending on the type of business you are planning, you may have regulatory control or require a licence or permit to operate. It is your responsibility to understand any regulations related to your business, which licences or permits you need to operate...
This guide is intended to inform and assist persons wishing to register a corporate or business name in Prince Edward Island. Although this guide is intended to help you select an acceptable name and have it approved, the information is...
All PEI companies are required to re-register by May 3, 2023, in the new Online Corporate Business Names Registry as part of the annual return process. The new online system will improve services to Island businesses by:
Simplifying the process for...
Any association intending to form a co-operative in PEI must apply to the Province for incorporation. This includes any housing or other non-profit co-operative. A registered co-operative in PEI operates under the authority of the Co-operative...
A company without share capital and with no financial gain to its members may incorporate for non-profit purposes in Prince Edward Island under the Companies Act: Part II. You can request incorporation using the online form below.
A non-profit...
Any Co-operative Association or Non-profit corporation registered with the Province must renew the registration annually. Please complete the online form below.
What information do I need to complete the online form?
You will be asked to provide:...
There are four common types of business structures in Prince Edward Island: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation and cooperative. Each of these structures is described below. The structure you choose will depend on various factors...