Apply for a Septic System Pumper’s Licence
Who requires a pumper’s license?
Any person/business that undertakes the cleaning of a sewage disposal system or the disposal of septage or biosolids.
What is septage?
Septage is material removed from a septic tank. Septic tanks should be cleaned as needed (every 3 to 5 years) using a Licensed Pumper. Licensed Pumpers are required to haul this material to an approved facility for processing and treatment. Charlottetown or Summerside both have approved disposal facilities.
What are sludge and biosolids?
Sludge, or biosolids, is the semi-liquid material removed from wastewater treatment systems. It is the end product of the treatment process. Sludge can be aerated, digested, heat treated, or pasteurized to produce biosolids that can be applied to land as a soil amendment. Standards used to assess the quality of biosolids are listed in Appendix G of the Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment, and Disposal [3.3 Mb].
Do I need a permit and license to apply biosolids as a soil amendment?
Yes, for any application of biosolids the hauler is required to hold a valid pumper’s license. The Permit to Construct/Modify depends upon the type of wastewater treatment system the biosolids originate from.
- Passive systems such as lagoons allow sludge to settle to the bottom of the lagoon. These systems need to have the cells cleaned out every 15 to 20 years. Over time the sludge breaks down and converts to biosolids that can be used as a soil amendment. These types of products require the owner to obtain a Permit to Construct/Modify prior to applying the material to land.
- Mechanical treatment plants require routine removal of sludge so that the systems can operate properly. The frequency of removal depends on the wastewater treatment plant design but can range from daily to four times per year. These systems operate under a sludge management plan and must be physically managed by a Licensed Pumper.
How do I apply for a Pumper’s License?
To obtain a pumper’s license the business/person must:
- have a registered vacuum truck,
- possess a valid Class 3A driver’s license,
- submit previous logbooks (if renewing),
- complete the online form below or submit a completed Pumper's License Application Form to the Department, and
- submit the $250 license fee.
Use the online form below to apply for or renew a Pumper’s Licence.
What is the fee?
The cost for a Pumper’s Licence is $250, HST exempt. A license is valid for 2 years.
How long will it take to process this form?
Please allow two to four weeks to receive your licence in the mail.
Who is currently Licensed as a septic Pumper on PEI?
A list of active licensed septage pumpersis available for download.
What is required for a logbook?
All licensed septic pumpers are required to submit a pumper logbook which contains the following information:
- Civic address of sewage disposal system
- Date on which septage was pumped
- Estimated volume of septage removed on that date
- Date and location of disposal
An electronic copy of the pumper logbook is available for download.
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