Apply to the Active Transportation Fund

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This is the application form to apply for the PEI Active Transportation Fund.  

What is the Active Transportation (AT) Fund?

The AT Fund was announced in late 2019 as part of the Sustainable Transportation Action Plan.  The AT Fund helps build new walking and bike paths, install paved shoulders, and better connect existing walking and cycling trails to improve and grow PEI’s active transportation network.

Who can apply to the Active Transportation Fund?

Municipalities, Indigenous communities and community groups can apply to the AT Fund for active transportation projects in their communities. The AT Fund will primarily contribute to projects that improve AT access for Islanders.  Each year, a portion of the total funding will be available for tourism and recreational projects. 

What kind of projects are eligible for funding?

The AT Fund will support a variety of active transportation infrastructure (like multi-use pathways, accessibility equipment, equipment racks, and safety features).

Funding will also be available for developing long term active transportation plans and for promoting active transportation.  

A full list of the eligible and ineligible expenditures are listed in the PEI AT Fund Guidelines and Criteria

Active transportation projects will fall into one of three categories for evaluation:

  • Utilitarian (projects that improve commuting opportunities – like multi-use pathways, bike lanes, and sidewalks)
  • Recreational (projects that do not necessarily connect important destinations but can improve confidence to use active transportation – like nature trails and closed loop trails)
  • Non-infrastructure (projects and programs that advance the actions in the PEI Active Transportation Strategy – like learn to bike programs, education and outreach, and the development of local active transportation plans)

The PEI AT Fund Guidelines and Criteria outline the evaluation criteria for each category of applications.

When do I need to submit my application?

Applications can be submitted anytime during the year, however only those submitted by January 17, 2025 will be considered for the next fiscal year. 

Applications received after this deadline will be considered and evaluated for the following application deadline, unless the projects submitted do not exhaust the entire fund.  In this case, projects can be considered for the current intake period.

How long will it take to fill out this application form?

The length of time is takes to complete the form will depend on the information you have about your project.  The information required for the application is listed below.  It is recommended that this information is gathered before you begin the application.  Use the AT Fund Timeline and Budget Worksheet and submit the worksheet with the application). The AT Fund Timeline and Budget Worksheet is also available in .xls format under "Resources" to the right. 

What information will I need to include in my application?

You will be asked to include the following information in your application:

  • Contact information
  • A project title
  • A brief project description (max. 200 words)
  • Project details (location, start and end intersections for pathways, total km’s)
  • Description of how the project aligns with current plans or strategies
  • Details around ownership, maintenance and operation (if applicable) 
  • Project priority ranking if you are submitting more than one project
  • Estimated project costs (eligible and ineligible costs) and project timelines (please use the AT Fund Timeline and Budget Worksheet - this worksheet can be submitted with the application)
  • Proposed sources of funding
  • Project endorsements (if applicable) 
  • Beneficial impacts of the project (the project outcomes)

You will also be asked to submit a completed a Coastal Hazard Assessment (CHA) for your project.  Some projects will not require a CHA (i.e., bike racks or education programs), but others that involve infrastructure will (like pathways or shelters).   

If your project covers a large area or crosses many properties, please submit a site plan or map outlining the route instead of the individual PID numbers during the CHA application.  If you have any questions about the CHA, please contact:   

I have not completed a CHA, can I still submit an application?

Yes.  You can request a Costal Hazard Assessment and then email the results to   A CHA is free of charge and typically takes 5 - 7 business days to process.  

What are the project outcomes?

There are different project outcomes that projects can satisfy depending on the category of the project.  Many projects will satisfy more than one outcome.  Please list all project outcomes in your application.  The PEI AT Guidelines and Criteria describe the project outcomes in more detail and the criteria points that are available for each outcome. 

Utilitarian Projects 

  • Improving the safety of active commuters
  • Enhancing the connectivity of the community
  • Reducing greenhouse gases and improving overall air quality
  • Increasing physical activity levels and overall healthy living
  • Project governance alignment

Recreational Projects

  • Universally available for use 
  • Location
  • Connection with nature or key destination
  • Project governance alignment

Non-infrastructure Projects 

  • Broad based benefits 
  • Capacity to deliver projects 
  • Project governance alignment

Who will review my application?

The AT Fund is managed by the Active Transportation Working Group (the Working Group).  The Working Group consists of representatives from the Departments of Health and Wellness; Environment, Energy and Climate Action; and Transportation and  Infrastructure.

The Working Group will review all applications in accordance with the criteria that is set out in the PEI AT Fund Guidelines and Criteria.  

When will I know if my project has been approved?

The Working Group will review applications for the 2025 construction season and hopes to have information back to applicants by the end of March 2025.

You will receive an automatic email confirmation that your application was submitted.  Please contact if you experience difficulties.  

Who do I contact for more information?

Additional information about the PEI AT Fund can be found in the PEI AT Fund Guidelines and Criteria

You can email questions to  

Transports et Infrastructure

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Transports et de l’Infrastructure
Immeuble Jones, 3e étage
11, rue Kent
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5100
Télécopieur : 902-368-5395

Accès Î.-P.-É. / Bureau central de la sécurité routière

33, promenade Riverside
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)
Téléphone : 902-368-5200

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