Government and industry introduce winter tourism strategy

Today, at the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island (TIAPEI) AGM and Conference, Prince Edward Island’s first-ever winter tourism strategy was unveiled.
Embrace the Seasons: A Seasonal Expansion Strategy for Tourism on PEI will build on Prince Edward Island’s tourism reputation, drive winter and shoulder season tourism, and support employment and economic opportunities for tourism businesses and staff year-round. The strategy was developed in partnership with government partners, TIAPEI, Regional Tourism Associations (RTA), Destination Management Organizations (DMO) and industry members.
“We’re pleased to collaborate with the hard-working, experienced people in the industry to develop a strategy that grows our tourism potential. While we’re proud of our reputation as a summer destination, the beauty, hospitality, culinary and cultural experiences of our province should be enjoyed year-round.”
- Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture Minister Cory Deagle
To help the industry develop tourism products and experiences during the shoulder season, the Province has introduced a Fall and Winter Tourism Product Development Fund. This program, administered through local RTAs and DMOs, will provide non-repayable grants of up to $7,500 to operators to develop and launch new tourism related products.
Additionally, the Tourism Seasonal Extension Program will be extended to February 2024. This program, administered through the Island’s Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs), provides non-repayable grants between $2,500 and $50,000 for tourism operators to introduce a new product or expand their operating season outside of their traditional peak operation seasons.
“These programs are available to industry to support innovation and new ideas while limiting the associated risk for small businesses,” said Minister Deagle. “I encourage tourism operators to take this opportunity to be creative. Growing Prince Edward Island into a multi-season, year-round tourism destination will challenge us to do things differently and consider ways to transform tourism opportunities. We are here to guide and support the tourism industry while we build prospects for greater success.”
For more information, visit Tourism PEI.
Media contact:
April Gallant