Dental and Medical Cost Assistance
If you require medical services in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, you may qualify for financial assistance to travel with Maritime Bus.
Read this page before buying your ticket. You will not be reimbursed for tickets bought before your application is...
Health PEI Dental Programs
Health PEI has four programs to assist Islanders with dental care:
Provincial Dental Care Program
Cleft Palate Orthodontic Funding Program
School Oral Health Preventative Program and
Long-Term/Community Care...
If you are a PEI Resident (with a valid PEI Health Card) and have received prior approval from Health PEI for out-of-province medical services, you may be able to reduce your travel expenses under one of the following programs:
1) Maritime Bus Program...
Cancer treatment may result in a loss of income as well as an increase in medical and transportation expenses. The following programs offer financial support to eligible cancer patients.
If you would like more information, or help applying for any of...
If you have cancer and require a medical test or procedure not available on PEI, your doctor will refer you to a specialist or service in another province.
This page answers frequently asked questions about this process. If you have additional...
The PEI Liaison Program provides Island patients and their families with a registered nurse contact to help connect them to other health care professionals, programs and services related to out-of-province medical treatment. The Liaison Nurse also...
Insurable medical services such as an emergency or sudden illness within Canada may be covered for Island residents with a valid PEI Health Card. Pre-approval by Health PEI is required for non-emergency medical or hospital service.
How do I get approval...
If you or your family earn a low income, you may be eligible to receive subsidized basic dental treatment services under the Provincial Dental Care Program.
To qualify, you and the dependent members of your family must:
be residents of Prince Edward...
If your specialist refers you for transplant surgery that is not available in the Maritimes, you may be eligible for travel and accommodation assistance. You must have a valid PEI Health Card and prior approval for out-of-province medical services from...