Dental Health Services

Notice:  Canada Post resumed operations on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. However, there may still be delays in receiving mail as they work to stabilize operations. As a result, there may be a delay in receiving Provincial Dental Care Program (PDCP) eligibility cards and letters. Applicants and participating oral provider offices can call or email Dental Public Health to determine PDCP eligibility.

Health PEI Dental Programs

Health PEI has four programs to assist Islanders with dental care:   

  1. Provincial Dental Care Program
  2. Cleft Palate Orthodontic Funding Program
  3. School Oral Health Preventative Program and
  4. Long-Term/Community Care Preventative Dental Program

Provincial Dental Care Program

If you or your family earn a low income, you may be eligible to receive subsidized basic dental treatment services under the Provincial Dental Care Program.  

You must reapply for the Provincial Dental Care Program each year. Eligibility Cards expire annually on June 30. 

For more information, see the Provincial Dental Care Program web page. 

Cleft Palate Orthodontic Funding Program

The Cleft Palate Funding Program funds the orthodontic treatment of children who have an orthodontic anomaly as a result of a cleft palate. Orthodontic treatment must begin before the child turns 18 years of age.

The level of funding is based on the family income and number of persons in the family; being 50, 75, or 100 percent of the cost of orthodontic treatment provided by an orthodontist in PEI.

The amount of lifetime subsidy available is $5,000.

50% funding:  Annual family income is greater than the amount in Column B for the corresponding family size. 

75% funding:  Annual family income falls between the amounts in Column A and Column B for the corresponding family size. 

100% funding:  Annual family income is less than the amount in Column A for the corresponding family size. 

Net Family Income (Line 23600)
Family Size Column A Column B
2 $22,000 $34,000
3 $26,000 $38,000
4 $32,000 $44,000
5 $38,000 $46,000
6 or more $42,000 $54,000


To find out more, call 902-368-4917.

To apply: 

Complete the Application for Orthodontic Treatment Funding for Cleft Palate and submit it by:


Cleft Palate Orthodontic Funding Program
152 St. Peter’s Road
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Fax: 902-368-4922


School Oral Health Preventative Program

Health PEI provides preventative dental health services to children, from birth to 17 years of age. Children can receive preventative services in schools across the province and in dental health clinics in Charlottetown, Summerside, and the Tignish Health Centre. 

To inquire when the services will be provided in your child’s school, call 902-368-5460 or 1-866-368-5460 (toll-free). 

Dental public health teams provide the following preventative services free to children:

  • Dental hygienists conduct an annual oral health risk assessment to determine if a child is likely to develop or has established signs of oral disease so they can be referred to a dentist.
    Please note: The annual risk assessment is not a substitute for a child’s annual dental checkup.
  • Oral health instructions
  • Topical fluoride application to prevent tooth decay.
  • Placement of dental sealants on teeth to prevent tooth decay from beginning on the chewing surface of newly erupting adult teeth where necessary,
  • Cleaning and/or polishing of teeth.   

Long-Term/Community Care Preventative Dental Care Program

Dentists will screen residents of long-term care facilities and where available, provide limited dental care for the relief of pain and infection. Residents who require more extensive treatment will be referred to a private dentist. Dental hygienists will provide preventative treatment such as cleaning and topical fluoride to prevent root caries (decay). 

Residents who require more extensive treatment will be referred to a private dentist. 

Published date: 
January 3, 2025
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General Inquiries

Health PEI
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136

Your Health Privacy

Health PEI Board of Directors

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department.

If you are unsure what to do about a health issue or if you need health information, call 8-1-1.

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