Emergency Management Training Courses

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The PEI Emergency Measures Organization offers emergency management training for individuals and groups who may be called upon to respond to an emergency in their community. One-day and multi-day courses scheduled throughout the year cover topics such as basic emergency management, mitigating and preparing for an emergency, and managing and coordinating an effective emergency operation within your organization or community.

Can I register for any emergency management course that interests me?

Basic courses (ICS 100, EXD 100, Basic Emergency Management) are only available to full time residents of Prince Edward Island. Some courses have a prerequisite which means you must complete basic courses before you can register for an advanced course. Courses may be classroom delivery or self study. Each Emergency Management course is described below.

Is there a fee for Emergency Measures Organization training courses?

There is currently no fee for any of the Emergency Management courses. 

How do I register for Emergency Management training?

Before you complete your registration, please review the course description and class schedule below to ensure you register for the appropriate course.

You can register online or send a completed pdf application to the PEI Emergency Measures Organization at emotraining@gov.pe.ca

What training is offered in each course?

Emergency Management training courses are listed and described as follows:

Basic Courses

Exercise Design 100 (EXD) – self-study

  • Exercise Design 100 covers the principles of designing an exercise, outlines some of the challenges and benefits, and introduces the vocabulary used.
  • Prerequisite: None. It is required for other courses.

Incident Command System 100 (ICS 100) – one day or self-study

  • Incident Command System 100 will help you learn the principles of the Incident Command System and to briefly acquaint you with the basic ICS structure and terminology.
  • Prerequisite: None. It is required for other courses.

Basic Emergency Management (BEM) – one day or self-study

  • Basic Emergency Management (BEM) provides a basic understanding of emergency management and an overview of the emergency management process including, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
  • Prerequisite: None.

Advanced Courses

Incident Command System 200 (ICS - 200) - two days

  • ICS 200 focuses on smaller, less complex incidents and events and is an awareness-level course on the Incident Command System. The course builds on concepts learned in ICS 100, providing more detail on the features, principles, responsibilities and organizational structure of the system. It also provides the foundation for higher level ICS training.
  • Prerequisite: Incident Command 100

Incident Command System 300 (ICS - 300) – 2.5 days

  • ICS 300 focuses on expanding and complex events. This course builds on ICS 200, going into more detail about the planning process, organizational and staffing structures, employing unified command, assessing and setting objectives, and demobilizing from larger incidents.
  • Prerequisite: Incident Command 200



Date de publication : 
le 16 Février 2023
Justice et de la Sécurité publique

Renseignements généraux

Sécurité publique
C.P. 911
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7L9

Téléphone : 902-894-0385
Sans Frais : 1-877-894-0385
Télécopieur : 902-368-6362


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