Equestrian Pilot Project: FAQs

What do I when I meet a horse on the trail as a Hiker?

When you see a horse approaching, move as far to the right side of the trail as possible. Greet the rider in a friendly, relaxed tone: horses are reassured by the sound of your voice.

When approaching a horse from behind, call out. Do not pass unless the rider has acknowledged you. Pass on the left, giving the horse as much room as possible.

What do I do when I meet a horse on the trail as a Cyclist?

When you see a horse approaching, slow down and pull as far to the right side of the trail as possible. Greet the rider in a friendly, relaxed tone: horses are reassured by the sound of your voice. If requested to do so by the rider, stop, or better yet, offer to do so.

When approaching a horse from behind, call out, or ring your bell to alert the rider to your presence.  Do not pass unless the rider has acknowledged you. Pass slowly, on the left, giving the horse as much room as possible. If requested to do so by the rider, please dismount and walk your bicycle past. Alternatively, the rider may request that you stop, and may prefer to walk the horse past you so that they are behind you.

When can the rider’s use the trail?

They can use the trail from half hour after sunrise to half hour before sunset. Night riding is not permitted.

Do Equestrian rider’s need to wear helmets?

Yes, the use of ASTM certified helmets is required.

What about the manure?

Riders are required to dismount and kick manure off the trail or use a manure catcher bag.

How will the trail be maintained?

There are designated tractors and groomers in each area. Staff will be continuously monitoring the pilot sections of the trail, if we see damage, we will send staff out to make any necessary repairs. We are committed to ensuring the trail is well maintained.

Additionally, riding will not be recommended after heavy rain, and trails will be closed to equestrians after extreme weather events to ensure the quality of the trail system.

What do if you are an equestrian on the trail meeting other trail users?

Stay to the right when meeting other users. Pass on the left. Be prepared to politely let other trail users know what needs to happen to keep you, the horse, and other users safe when meeting on the trail.

When meeting or passing other users, do so in single file, at the walk. Greeting other users will encourage them to communication to you, which will in turn be reassuring to your horse.

Where is the pilot’s three designated trail sections?

Please refer to our detailed maps of each pilot trail section located here.

Published date: 
August 4, 2021