Are You Old Enough?

As a young person, you have rights and responsibilities. It is important to understand them. You will find useful age-related legal information here.
Age of Majority
The age of majority in PEI is 18. When you turn 18, you are legally an adult. You can do a legal name change, make a will, vote, marry, sue others, be sued, sign a contract and run as a candidate in an election.
The legal drinking age is 19. If you are under 19, a parent or spouse can give you an alcoholic drink like a glass of wine with Christmas dinner. If you are under 19, you cannot be sold, served, buy, drink or possess alcohol. You can go into a liquor store if you are with your parent or guardian, but you cannot buy anything.
You cannot go into a bar or lounge unless
- You are with a parent or guardian and it is for a meal.
- It is before 10:00 pm.
- There is no live entertainment.
Using a fake ID to get alcohol is illegal and may result in consequences such as losing your driver's licence.
You must be 19 or older to buy lottery tickets, play VLTs or engage in any other form of gambling.
You must be 18 or older to get married without permission from your parents or the court. If you are 16 or 17 you must have consent of your parent(s) in order to marry in PEI.
You must be 18 or older to buy or rent films that say "Explicit Material" or "Restricted - Graphic Sexual Content."
You must be at least 16 years old to get body piercings without written permission from your parents. You can get these piercings at a younger age if you have your parent’s written permission. In both cases, you will have to show photo identification to prove your age.
You must be 18 or older to get Intimate body piercings. Intimate piercings include nipples and the genital area for females and the genital area for males. If you are 16 or 17, you can get these piercings with written permission from your parents. In both cases, cases, you will have to show photo identification to prove your age.
You must be 18 or older to get tattoos without written permission from your parents. If you are 16 or 17, you can get these tattoos with written permission from your parents. In both cases, cases, you will have to show photo identification to prove your age.
The legal age to buy tobacco is 21. You are breaking the law if you use fake ID to buy tobacco.
Source: Community Legal Information Association of PEI - Legal Information for Youth