Volunteers Policy

The PEI Public Library Service values the important contribution volunteers make to our organization. Volunteers assist libraries not only by contributing their time but also by strengthening the link to the communities we serve.

Eligibility and Screening

Volunteers must be a minimum of 10 years old. Volunteers under 16 years must have written permission from a parent/guardian.

All volunteers are required to complete the PEI Public Library Service’s Volunteer Interest Form and provide a criminal record check, with the following exceptions:

  • minors under the age of 18
  • Friends of the Library members
  • those who do home deliveries for only their friends and relations
  • guest presenters, provided they do not attend regularly and they are not left unaccompanied by library staff

Use of Volunteers

Volunteers shall not perform the jobs of employees covered by the Collective Agreement between the Government of Prince Edward Island and the Prince Edward Island Union of Public Sector Employees.

Volunteers will not be used to sustain or extend library hours, perform circulation duties, or provide information services to the public (reader’s advisory, reference services).

Regular volunteers will be provided with a thorough orientation, appropriate training, and the proper tools to perform their tasks. Volunteers must follow relevant library policies and the instructions of library staff. Volunteers are not guaranteed hours or tasks and the volunteer relationship may be ended at any time by decision of library management.

Staff may recruit volunteers for specific tasks, or volunteers may fill out an application form and suggest some skills they have to offer. Staff have final say in what task the volunteer is asked to perform.

How to Volunteer?

Complete the library's Volunteer Application form and submit it to any of our 25 public libraries.


Published date: 
March 6, 2023