
Basin Head wharf is now open 

Basin Head wharf is now open again for the the public to enjoy after a temporary closure last month due to structural damage.  

Dredging of the channel is complete, barricades have been removed from the wharf and lifeguards are on duty.

“I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during the closure of Basin Head. We know it wasn’t great timing, but safety is our number one priority at our Provincial Parks”, said Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture Minister Matthew MacKay. 

“Thank you to Minister Myers and the staff of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy for your leadership in quickly addressing the infrastructure issues and to our federal counterparts for fixing the channel. The weather for this weekend looks fantastic, so I wish all Islanders and tourists visiting Basin Head a fun and safe time,” the minister said. 

Media contact:
Hillary MacDonald
Department of Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture

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105 Rochford Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

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