
Chief Public Health Officer says Islanders’ efforts to flatten the curve need to continue

Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison, says it is important for Islanders to continue to be diligent in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Prince Edward Island. 

PEI has one additional COVID-19 case, bringing the province’s total to 22. The individual is a man in his 50s from the Queens County area, and he is currently doing well at home. The case is related to international travel.  Since yesterday, 144 additional negative tests in PEI were received. To date, almost 1,000 tests have been performed. 

Dr. Morrison reiterated that if someone is self-isolating following travel, other members of the household need to maintain physical distancing, ensure enhanced cleaning of all shared spaces, and designate a separate bathroom and bedroom for the person that is travelling. If this cannot be ensured, all members of the household should also self-isolate for 14 days.

Limited testing for COVID-19 is now available in Prince Edward Island, in addition to use of the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg. 

Marion Dowling, Health PEI’s Chief of Nursing, clarified COVID-19 patients who require hospitalization will be seen at either the Prince County Hospital or the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Initially, patients requiring intensive care in hospital will be seen at the QEH, and then if capacity at that facility is reached the PCH will also provide this level of care. 

Cough and fever clinics and drive thru testing clinics in Charlottetown and Summerside continue to see more patients. Yesterday, 83 patients were seen in Charlottetown and 57 in Summerside. Appointments to cough and fever clinics are through referral by family doctor, nurse practitioner or through 811 without a family doctor. 

For answers to general questions about COVID-19 call 1-833-533-9333 or visit our webpage at: www.princeedwardisland.ca/covid19. 


The Chief Public Health Office continues to work closely with the federal government, provincial and territorial counterparts, government departments and Health PEI to continue to monitor the situation globally, nationally and locally. The public health risk of COVID-19 is continually reassessed and Islanders will be updated as new information becomes available.

Government’s special situation response group also continues to work collaboratively with the Chief Public Health Office, stakeholders and community partners in preparing for all impacts related to COVID-19 to the province, including health, social and economic. 

Everyone is encouraged to follow routine prevention measures:

  • Washing hands frequently with soap and water
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
  • If ill with acute respiratory symptoms, stay home if possible
  • Limit touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Don’t share items like drinking glasses and water bottles
  • Frequently clean surfaces like taps, doorknobs and countertops

Media Contact:
Samantha Hughes
Health and Wellness
(902) 368-5610

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121
