
More Islanders using Triple P to enhance their parenting skills

The Triple P Positive Parenting program has been growing steadily in Prince Edward Island, since its introduction in the fall of 2015.
“One of the best ways to help children is to support parents,” said Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Doug Currie. “We are pleased to see a growing number of people accessing Triple P for help that all parents can benefit from.”

Access to Triple P continues to expand with 76 practitioners now accredited across the province, including nurses, family workers, psychologists and other professionals who work in government and community based services.

Triple P uses simple, positive tips to help parents and caregivers facing challenges from toddler tantrums to teenage rebellion and self-esteem issues. It is available for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 12 years. Teen Triple P is available for parents and caregivers of adolescents 12-16 years old.

Various levels of support are offered to parents, from web information to parent seminars to brief parenting skills support to intensive family interventions.

“Parents are encouraged to check the website for information on the Triple P programs currently being offered in Prince Edward Island”, said Triple P Coordinator Peter Mutch. “Triple P online, for example, is made up of eight modules that are a mix of video clips, worksheets and activities. A Triple P seminar offers ideas to a group of parents or caregivers on how to make everyday rough patches in parenting easier.”

Parents can find practitioners in their area by checking the website www.triplep-parenting.net, emailing triplep@gov.pe.ca or calling 902-438-4842 for referral information.

Funding provided by the provincial government means parents of children up to age 12 can access most Triple P programming and at no cost.

As of June 9, there were 75 Island parents using various levels of the online program.

Media contact:
Katie MacDonald
902 314 3996

General Inquiries

Department of Education and Early Years
Holman Centre
Suite 101, 250 Water Street
Summerside, PE C1N 1B6

Phone: 902-438-4130
Fax: 902-438-4062
