
Senior Islanders of the Year recognized 

Senior Islanders of the Year, 2018

Five outstanding Islanders have been named 2018’s Senior Islanders of the Year for their contributions to Island communities. 

Grace Blackette, Evelyn Jenkins, Kaye Larkin, Ann Sherman, and Fairley Yeo received their awards in Summerside today from Family and Human Services Minister Tina Mundy and PEI Seniors Secretariat Chair Paul H. Schurman.  They were honoured for their volunteerism, artistic achievement, leadership, mentorship, fundraising, community participation, and career achievement. 

“I extend huge congratulations to these five amazing senior Islanders who are role models to all of us,” said Minister Mundy, who is the minister responsible for seniors. “They personify the caring and connectedness that makes Prince Edward Island mighty, and we are privileged to have them as part of our Island community.” 

“The Seniors’ Secretariat is always excited to acknowledge the valuable contributions that seniors make in improving our Island communities,” Schurman said. “These awards recognize the important role that Island seniors play in enhancing our way of life.” 

For more information about the Senior Islanders of the Year awards, visit PEI Senior Islanders of the Year


Media contact:
Darlene Gillis


Grace Blackette –Cardigan    
Grace Blackette is an active volunteer and is credited with initiating the Three Rivers 50+ Group seniors club in Cardigan.  She also promotes history and active living activities in her community.  She was employed with the Red Cross for 20 years and continued to serve with the organization as a volunteer after retirement. Grace is heavily involved with the Royal Canadian Legion and the Confederation Trail.  Grace’s nomination is supported by the Three Rivers 50+ club and the Cardigan Village Council who commend Grace’s tireless efforts to improve the lives of others in her community.

Evelyn Jenkins - Mount Herbert
Evelyn Jenkins of Mount Herbert is a retired nurse and according to one of her nominators is  “arole model for healthy and active aging.”  Evelyn hosted a first aid station out of her home for many years and led fund many raising activities for the local school with bakesales, ice cream socials and picnics.  Evelyn has been an active Women’s Institute and 4H member, Heart and Stroke fundraiser, Red Cross volunteer and a passionate member of Trinity United Church and a    strong advocate and ally of the LGBTQ community.  The nomination support letters detail Evelyn’s valued and lengthy contributions. 
Her nominators wrote, “Evelyn is a shining example of a woman who knows the importance of volunteering to help people in her community and is willing to give her time and skills to assist others in need.” 

Kaye Larkin - Cornwall
Kaye Larkin is an enthusiastic volunteer and environmentalist with a great love for seniors. In her professional career she worked as a LPN at a long term care facility.  In her retirement she meets with and provides entertainment to seniors through the Cornwall Seniors Lunch Program and participates in weekly church services at the Hillsborough Hospital.  Kay is a past president of the North River Women’s Institute, a life member of the Provincial Women’s Institute, past president of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Women’s League and a dedicated volunteer for the Alzheimer Society.  She shows her passion for the environment through gardening and sharing her plants.  

The Alzheimer Society notes that “Kaye is an inspiration and leader; generous, inclusive and caring - a humble ambassador.”  

Ann Sherman - Charlottetown  
Ann Sherman is described as a lifelong advocate in the areas of social justice, crime prevention, human rights and access to justice. Ann is currently chairperson for the Premiers Action Committee on Family Violence.  She has served on numerous boards and committees at the local, provincial, regional and national level and is a past recipient of the Queens’ Diamond Jubilee Award.  Her nomination letters highlight her determination, commitment, compassion, and passion for improving the lives of others - especially the most vulnerable.       

Fairley Yeo - Knutsford
Fairley Yeo is an active volunteer at the community and provincial level.  She currently serves as a member of the O’Leary Health Foundation Board, is a life time Provincial Women’s Institute member, local member of the Knutsford Women’s Institute and a board member of the PEI Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal.  Fairley has led historical documentation projects and organized community events including a tea party attended by more than 400 people. She was also the driving force behind revitalizing the Knutsford School House into an active community centre.  Fairley returned to school when she was more than 70 years old and completed her Bachelor of Integrated Studies degree.  

General Inquiries

Department of Social Development and Seniors
2nd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3777
Toll-free: 1-866-594-3777
Fax: 902-894-0242
