Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 30 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Andrew, Catherine
PCU Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-432-4706 Fax: 902-438-4371 cjandrew@ihis.org
Barrett, Patsy
Nurse Manager, Inpatient Mental Health (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4410 Fax: 902-438-4401 pabarrett@ihis.org
Berrigan, Pamela
Nurse Manager, Surgery / Restorative (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4505 Fax: 902-438-4501 paberrigan@ihis.org
Cameron, Shelley
Administrative Assistant (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4513 Fax: 902-438-4381 shcameron@ihis.org
Chisholm, Julie
Nurse Manager, Surgical Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4468 Fax: 902-438-4451 jechisholm@ihis.org
Corish, Jana
Nurse Manager, Medical / Palliative
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4394 Fax: 902-438-4501 jlcorish@ihis.org
Ford, Tony
Director, Hospital Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4519 arford@ihis.org
Handrahan, Christine E
Manager, Ambulatory Care and Allied Health (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4494 Fax: 902-438-4102 cehandrahan@ihis.org
Jarvis, Ben
Environmental Services Supervisor
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Kennedy, Lisa
Nurse Manager, Surgery Restorative
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4505 lmkennedy@ihis.org