Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 45 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Baird, Sofia
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-4642 sobaird@gov.pe.ca
Bernath, Sarah
Bilingual French Branch Library Technician
Je parle français
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-6092 sebernath@gov.pe.ca
Birch, Hazel
Library Assistant
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-436-7323 hebirch@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Kendra
Library Technician
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-4642 kendracampbell@gov.pe.ca
Carlaw, Emily
Branch Library Techician
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-961-3415 evcarlaw@gov.pe.ca
Clinton, Beth
Regional Librarian
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-4654 elclinton@gov.pe.ca
Colwill, Chloe
Library Technician
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-4642 ccolwill@gov.pe.ca
Da Costa, Spencer
Library Assistant
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-368-4642 sdacosta@gov.pe.ca
Dawson, Grace
Director of Libraries and Archives
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-314-5523 gradawson@gov.pe.ca
Dionne, Krystal
Regional Librarian
Education and Early Years
Libraries and Archives
Public Library Service
Tel: 902-888-8370 kldionne@gov.pe.ca