Employee Directory

You can get full contact information for someone who works for a PEI government department or agency using “Search Employee Directory”.

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  • First or last name
  • Telephone number - just the last four digits will work
  • Email address
  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Caissie, Belina
Director, Research and Education
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Tel: 902-288-1407 bcaissie@ihis.org
Hudson, Dr. Amanda
Director, Mental Health and Addictions Research
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Wilson, Nicole
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Tel: 902-288-1406 nmwilson@ihis.org