Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 74 of 74 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Atchison, Marguerite C
Child Support Guidlines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6220 Fax: 902-368-6934 mcatchison@gov.pe.ca
Baglole, Janice H.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8197 Fax: (902) 888-8222 jhbaglole@gov.pe.ca
Baltzer, Kelsey
Court Stenographer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6039 Fax: 902-368-6123 kbaltzer@gov.pe.ca
Bedard, Danielle
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6940 Fax: 902-368-6934 drbedard@gov.pe.ca
Bernard, Sheila
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6068 Fax: 902-368-6934 sxbernard@gov.pe.ca
Bryenton, Beverley
Fine Collection Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6030 Fax: 902-368-6210 bevbryenton@gov.pe.ca
Bulmer, Jolene
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6220 jbulmer@gov.pe.ca
Burleigh, Susan
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Butler, Neale
Bilingual Enforcement Officer/ISO
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 njbutler@gov.pe.ca
Caseley, Paxton
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Chaisson, Catherine A.
Children's Lawyer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-4842 Fax: 902-368-5335 cachaisson@gov.pe.ca
Chen, Crystal
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Cook, Nancy D
Case management
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6022 Fax: (902) 368-6123 ndcook@gov.pe.ca
Donovan, Jayden
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Doyle, George J.
Chief Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6055 Fax: 902-368-6571 gjdoyle@gov.pe.ca
Fisher, Chantal
Deputy Public Trustee
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-4561 Fax: 902-368-5335 clfisher@gov.pe.ca
Forrest, Emily
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-3663 Fax: 902-368-4410 elforrest@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Jacob
Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-888-8192 Fax: 902-432-2756 jrgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Kathy L
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8197 Fax: (902) 888-8222
Gallant, Mark L. LLB
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6241 Fax: 902-368-5335 mlgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Sheila F.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6024 Fax: (902) 368-6774 sfgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gotell, Kevin J
Judicial Clerk and Deputy Sheriff for Fines Collection
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 652-8990 Fax: (902) 652-8992 kjgotell@gov.pe.ca
Gray, Lisa
Court Stenographer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6666 Fax: 902-368-6123 lisagray@GOV.PE.CA
Hannah, Sarah
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-0627 Fax: 902-368-4410 sroachhannah@gov.pe.ca
Hickey, Christopher
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6068 Fax: 902-368-6934 chickey@gov.pe.ca
Hyde, Alex
Acting Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-3287 Fax: 902-368-4410 adhyde@gov.pe.ca
Judson, Stephen W.
Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 swjudson@gov.pe.ca
Kilbride, Rachel
Senior Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-894-0383 902-213-2082 Fax: 902-368-6934 rjkilbride@gov.pe.ca
Knockwood, Carol
Admin Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-6281 Fax: 902-368-5335 CJKNOCKWOOD@gov.pe.ca
Leblanc, Nancy
Clinician, Family Court Counsellor's Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-213-6976 Fax: 902-368-4410 nxleblanc@gov.pe.ca
LeBlanc, Phillip E
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8191 Fax: (902) 432-2756 peleblanc@gov.pe.ca
Levesque, Sandra MSW, RSW
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-213-2347 Fax: 902-368-4410 slevesque@gov.pe.ca
MacArthur, Leslie
Admin Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6030 Fax: 902-368-6210 lamacarthur@gov.pe.ca
MacConnell, Kerrilee D
Court Services Manager
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6005 Fax: (902) 368-0266 kdmacconnell@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Deborah E
Deputy Public Guardian
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-6506 Fax: 902-368-5335 deborahmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Jeffrey
Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 jeffmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Lisa I M
Bilingual Judicial Clerk and Fines Collection Officer/Deputy Sheriff
Je parle français
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 652-8995 Fax: (902) 652-8992 limmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Nancy M
Recalculation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-4109 Fax: 902-368-6934 nmmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacEachern, Vicki
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-888-8187 Fax: 902-888-8222 vlmaceachern@gov.pe.ca
MacInnis, Andrea
Deputy Registrar
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6007 Fax: 902-368-0266 andreamacinnis@gov.pe.ca
MacLean, Gracyn
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-213-8317 Fax: 902-368-4410 gracynmaclean@gov.pe.ca
MacLeod, Danny
Casual Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-888-8125 dannyvmacleod@gov.pe.ca
MacPhee, Glenda J.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6028 Fax: (902) 368-6123 gjmacphee@gov.pe.ca
Maddix, Tara
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6220 Fax: 902-368-6934 tlmaddix@gov.pe.ca
Mallett, Christine
Administrative Assistant
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: (902) 368-6940 Fax: (902) 368-6934 clmallett@gov.pe.ca
Matthews, Andrew D
PGPT Case Liaision
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
McAlduff, Amy K.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6596 Fax: (902) 620-6123 akmcalduff@gov.pe.ca
McGregor, Ryan
Fines Collection Officer/Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-652-8995 ryanmcgregor@gov.pe.ca
McInnis, Charmaine A
Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 camcinnis@gov.pe.ca
McInnis, Samantha
Deputy Registrar
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6003 Fax: 902-368-0266 skmcinnis@gov.pe.ca
McQuillan, Corinne
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6928 Fax: 902-368-4410 cmcquillan@gov.pe.ca
Morley, Chesa L
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6693 Fax: (902) 368-6210 CLMORLEY@gov.pe.ca
Murray, Elizabeth I
Deputy Registrar
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6001 Fax: (902) 368-0266 eimurray@gov.pe.ca
Nicholson, Shelley A
Deputy Registrar
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8187 Fax: (902) 888-8222 sanicholson@gov.pe.ca
Nissen, Marie L
Administrative Support Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6928 Fax: 902-368-6934 mlnissen@gov.pe.ca
Nogler, Jay A
Family Law Navigator
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-213-4324 Fax: 902-368-4410 janogler@gov.pe.ca
O'Donnell, Brooke
Trial Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6023 Fax: 902-368-6123 kbodonnell@gov.pe.ca
Oftedahl, Randall V
Family Court Counsellor Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6057 Fax: 902-368-6934 rvoftedahl@ihis.org
Perry, Darcie
Admin Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-888-8066 Fax: 902-438-4071 dlperry@gov.pe.ca
Rae, Shanda
Maintenance Enforcement Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Fax: 902-368-6934 srae@gov.pe.ca
Ripley, Sandra G
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6469 Fax: (902) 368-6123 sgripley@gov.pe.ca
Roberts, Jennifer A
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-888-8188 Fax: 902-888-8222 jroberts@gov.pe.ca
Sadicon, Leah
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Sampson, Janean
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6928 Fax: 902-368-4410 jxsampson@gov.pe.ca
Shaw, Elizabeth
Recalculation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-4109 Fax: 902-368-6934 ecshaw@gov.pe.ca
Smith, Amanda
Public Trustee Case Liaison
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-569-7540 Fax: 902-368-5335 amandalsmith@gov.pe.ca
Stewart, Destiny
Data Entry Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-4828 Fax: 902-368-5335 dkstewart@gov.pe.ca
Stewart, John
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-393-9884 jestewart@gov.pe.ca
Thompson, Lorraine L
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6030 Fax: 902-368-6210 llthompson@gov.pe.ca
Townsend, Chris W
Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8192 Fax: (902) 432-2756 cwtownsend@gov.pe.ca
Verhulp, Crystal
Administrative Assistant
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-288-1236 Fax: 902-368-5335 crystalverhulp@gov.pe.ca
Warnell, Shawn
Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8192 Fax: (902) 432-2756 kswarnell@gov.pe.ca
Watts, Heather C
Assistant to the Prothonotary
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6067 Fax: (902) 368-0266 hcwatts@gov.pe.ca
Watts, Morgan
Staff Lawyer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6541 mfwatts@gov.pe.ca