Employee Directory

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  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 10 of 14 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Bernard, Heather
Accounts Payable Finance Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-7369 Fax: (902) 882-0484 habernard@gov.pe.ca
Chaulk, Julianna
Admin Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Infrastructure Secretariat

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: 902-368-6708 Fax: 902-894-0368 jmrchaulk@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Jenny L
Admin Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-0491 Fax: (902) 882-0484 jlmatthews@gov.pe.ca
Gauthier, Erin
HR Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations

Tel: 902-368-5204 Fax: 902-368-4034 ehgauthier@gov.pe.ca
Harper, Vanessa
Finance Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-0490 veharper@gov.pe.ca
Kerr, Dawn
Senior Finance Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: 902-652-8959 Fax: 902-652-8978 dmkerr@gov.pe.ca
Kinch, Raeann M
Lead Finance Clerk/Supervisor
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-7368 Fax: (902) 882-0484 rmkinch@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Wendy L CPA, CA
Director, Finance
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: 902-368-5126 Fax: 902-368-5395 wlmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacLean, Rhonda
Finance Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: 902-368-5121 Fax: 902-368-5395 rjmaclean@gov.pe.ca
Morrissey, Nicole M
AR Finance Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-7365 Fax: (902) 882-0484 nmmorrissey@gov.pe.ca