
Recent publications


Communicable Disease Program
Planning Document
September 11, 2024

The purpose of the Influenza Immunization Policy is to provide provincial direction to Health PEI immunizers and immunizers in the community who deliver PEI’s publicly funded influenza vaccine to Islanders with the goal of reducing the incidence and impact of influenza in the province.

MSX Frequently Asked Questions

July 18, 2024

Information for the oyster industry on the presence of MSX in Bedeque Bay

Annual Statistical Review

Economics, Statistics and Federal Fiscal Relations
July 5, 2024

The complete story of Prince Edward Island’s population, social makeup, and economy can be found in the province’s Annual Statistical Review.

The Annual Statistical Review is produced by Prince Edward Island Statistics Bureau and gathers data from provincial government departments, the private sector, and Statistics Canada to provide a socioeconomic snapshot of the Island.

It is a comprehensive source of data and information that government uses to help determine where, when, and how best to deliver the critical programs and services on which Islanders depend.

Data tables of the Annual Statistical Review are available for download in excel format.

Historical issues of the Annual Statistical Review are also available in PDF format.

Off-Highway Vehicle Operation

Agriculture, Environment, Energy and Climate Action, Justice and Public Safety, Highway Safety
May 25, 2024

Off-Highway Vehicle Operation, A Practical Guide for Users and Landowners

An off-highway vehicle is considered any motorized vehicle designed for cross-country travel on land, water, snow, ice, marsh or swamp land, or on other neutral terrain. This includes all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), side-by- sides, dirt bikes, mini bikes and snowmobiles. Refer to the Off-Highway Vehicle Act and Off-Highway Vehicle Act Regulations for definitions and full text of the legislation.

Note: Please be advised, the Off-Highway Vehicle Operation booklet is currently being updated. 


Seniors Navigator Information Brochure

Seniors' Secretariat
April 15, 2024

Prince Edward Island Seniors Guide

Seniors' Secretariat
April 11, 2024

A handbook of information about programs and services for seniors living in Prince Edward Island published by the Seniors' Secretariat.

For copies of this guide or to give comments, contact:

Seniors Secretariat
Phone: (902) 620-3785
Toll-free: 1-866-770-0588

PEI Population Framework

Economic and Population Growth
February 22, 2024

French Language Services Act - 2022-2023 Annual Report

Annual Report
November 15, 2023

The French Language Services Act Annual Report is submitted by the Minister responsible for Acadian and Francophone Affairs to the Legislative Assembly each fiscal year. The report contains information on the activities of the Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat and government institutions subject to the Act, and on complaints made under the Act. For more information on the Act, visit the French Language Services Act information page.

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