Agriculture Business and Economics
Current Ag Market Report:
January 31, 2025
Compiled Annual Ag Market Report:
2025 Ag Market Report
2024 Ag Market Report
2023 Ag Market Report
2022 Ag Market Report
2021 Ag Market Report
2020 Ag Market Report
2019 Ag Market Report
2018 Ag...
Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada. The Island has a total land area of 1.4 million acres. Farms represent about 42.5% of the total land area (594,324 acres). In July 2020, the population of PEI was 159,625. The 2016 Census of...
2023 Statistics
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PEI Statistical Review 2023
Census Statistics
Farm Census Data (PEI Numbers, Acres, Value, Livestock) - 1991/2021
Farm Income Statistics
Farm Cash Receipts...
Producers can face uncontrollable natural hazards during the production year. AgriInsurance is a production insurance program that can help mitigate these risks. AgriInsurance stabilizes a producer’s income by minimizing the economic loss from...
AgriStability Program Update
Through federal and provincial agreement, the compensation rate for AgriStability has been increased from 70% to 80%, beginning with the 2023 program year. PEI has been providing an increased compensation rate since the...
This document was developed by the PEI Department of Agriculture for the purpose of outlining various crops and livestock that are produced on PEI.
Register your farm using the blue buttons at the bottom of this page.
The online form below allows you to register your farm as required under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act to provide stable funding for general farm...
The FarmersTalk program is a service that provides confidential, professional counselling services to farmers, farm employees and their families. The program recognizes that some problems can affect home life and work performance. When this happens, help...
PEI Fresh Products Directory is an online guide to connect growers, producers, processors, chefs, restaurants, tourism operators and other culinary industry stakeholders.
This insurance pilot program offers protection against an unexpected drop in prices over a defined period of time. Coverage is based on market price forecasts. Producers can insure any portion of their calf or feeder cattle inventory. Producers can...
Highlights of the PEI 2020 Agriculture and Agri-Food International Exports
This survey is now closed
The Department of Agriculture is developing a food waste reduction strategy for PEI and inviting the public to share their thoughts on what the strategy should include.
Why do we need a food waste reduction strategy?
Submissions for the 2024 Fresh Products Directory are now closed
What do I need to complete the online form?
You will be asked to provide the details you want included in your listing including:
Current contact details, including your website...
The purpose of the Prince Edward Island (PEI) Livestock Strategy is to serve as a guiding document to support the development of PEI’s livestock sectors. The Livestock Strategy will be implemented through collaboration with the livestock industry and its...
The Policy Capacity Development and Mentorship Program (PCDMP) is a career development opportunity at the PEI Department of Agriculture (DA)
Every year the program will provide one successful applicant the opportunity to complete a one-year temporary...
The Department maintains a list of Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Forestry associations and boards in the province, as well as some regional organizations.
You will be able to:
view and print contact information for a single organization...
The Strategic Industry Growth Initiative (SIGI) is designed to increase the competitiveness, productivity and profitability of the agriculture industry through a coordinated effort to accelerate the development and successful commercialization of food...
Prince Edward Island is remarkably striking this time of year. The gently sloping hillsides are a colourful delight with freshly cut forage, newly planted cereal and blueberry fields in blossom. Cattle grazing on sunny hillsides, while foxes wander...
Tailgate Talks is a video series produced by Department of Agriculture to showcase our important agriculture industry on PEI.
Tailgate Talks Episode 1 – PEI’s Future Farmer Program
Ever wonder what it takes to enter into the Agriculture industry on PEI...
The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) in Agriculture Industry Housing Improvement Program is designed to support the improvement of the quality of housing for temporary foreign workers in PEI’s agriculture sector that have been hired through the Seasonal...