Marine Fisheries and Seafood Services
You are required to have a valid Fish Buyer licence to purchase fish directly from fishers for the purpose of resale or processing. In addition, you are required to provide yearly statistics on all fish purchased and sold during the licence period in...
If you are selling fish for commercial processing you must be licensed each year and any equipment or vehicle you use must be inspected and approved by a provincial fish inspector in accordance with the PEI Fish Inspection Act, Schedules “E” and “G”.
You must have licence to process fish or fish products for commercial purposes in PEI. This licence expires each December 31st and must be renewed by the zone deadline described below. In addition, you are required to provide yearly statistics on fish...
The Department of Fisheries and Communities collects, compiles and disseminates statistical information related to the fishery and aquaculture, as follows:
2023 Fishery Statistics
2022 Fishery Statistics
2021 Fishery Statistics
2020 Fishery...
If you are a new entrant in the lobster fishery in Prince Edward Island, you may be eligible for support through the Future Fisher Program. This program offers training and financial assistance to aid new entrant lobster fishers to become better...