
Bienvenue! Abram Village Library officially reopens 

At first, the Abram Village Library looks similar to most libraries on the Island. There are shelves full of books with subjects ranging from sports, romance, sci-fi and historical fiction, with themes and characters so captivating, readers might feel like they’ve stepped into the stories, and are living the adventures alongside the characters. 

But as visitors look more closely, they’ll notice something substantial. The Abram Village Library is one of three libraries on the Island that is almost completely French.

Lori MacAdam is the French Library Services Coordinator. She says that French library services on PEI are vital for French communities, which is why having to close the Abram Village Library following damages caused by Hurricane Fiona was devastating. 

“It was really a shame that the storm displaced the library. Helping French communities on Prince Edward Island have access to books in their own language is essential for preserving and encouraging the celebration of French language and culture in the province.”

The library has recently reopened, and the community is thrilled.

image of small colourful lawns signs in front of a school 

Claudette Theriault was born in the area and has lived there most of her life. She visits the library regularly.

“Having access to French books helps me maintain my language skills and my culture. While the library was closed, I found myself reading mostly in English so I’m really glad it’s open again.” 

Paul Cyr also lives in the community and says he has enjoyed the local library for many years with his family. 

“My family has visited the library countless times over the last several years. We appreciate the easy access to books in our two languages. We also love that we can order books and resources online and have them delivered to our local library for pick up.”

Nicole Sinasse is the librarian at Abram Village and has been welcoming visitors back to the space. 

“Libraries are so special; you can borrow books that help immerse you in the lives and experiences of others. I am so happy to continue sharing my passion for reading with others now that the library is open again.” 

She says she’s seeing more and more of the community visiting each day. 

“It’s great watching the community rediscover the library. I love seeing familiar faces and meeting new users. Libraries are wonderful, inclusive spaces where there’s always something for everyone.”  

For all library locations and hours, visit: Public Libraries - Locations and Hours.
For the online library catalogue, visit: Search the Library Catalogue

General Inquiries

Department of Education and Early Years
Holman Centre
Suite 101, 250 Water Street
Summerside, PE C1N 1B6

Phone: 902-438-4130
Fax: 902-438-4062