Personal exemption limits for interprovincial alcohol eliminated
Prince Edward Island is removing personal exemption limits for alcohol in an effort to further break down barriers of trade within Canada.
The change, which will allow individuals within Canada to transport any quantity of alcohol into the province for personal use, will be made during the spring sitting of the provincial legislature. Several other provinces have announced they will also remove limits, which will allow provinces easier access to other markets.
“We are pleased to join several other provinces and territories in eliminating personal trade barriers for alcohol,” said Finance Minister Heath MacDonald. “This change will contribute to our province’s economic growth, increase consumer choice and will be yet another chance for Island products to be featured and enjoyed throughout new markets across the country.”
Currently in PEI the personal exemption limits are nine litres of wine (or a standard case); three litres of spirits; and 24.6 litres of beer (or three standard cases of 24).
During the Council of the Federation meeting last summer, Canadian Premiers discussed breaking down barriers to trade within Canada. An Alcoholic Beverages Working Group was developed to further explore options and their recommendations included a proposal to increase or remove personal limits on transport of alcohol into jurisdictions.
Media contact:
Samantha Hughes
Department of Finance