
Eased public health restrictions announced for PEI

Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison, has announced eased public health restrictions for Prince Edward Island. 

“The recent circuit breaker measures and the 72 hour modified red level alert have allowed us to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 and slow the spread in PEI,” said Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison. “I want to thank Islanders for their continued diligence in following public health measures to keep our Island community safe.”

Beginning Saturday, March 13 at 8:00 a.m., the following measures will be in place until mid-April 2021:

  • Personal gatherings
    • Each household can gather with up to ten individuals indoors or outdoors, with physical distancing. These individuals should be as consistent as possible.
  • Organized gatherings:
    • Concerts, worship services, and movie theatres are permitted to operate with a limit of 50 people. Three additional groups of 50 (200 total) are permitted with an approved operational plan. 
    • Weddings (ceremonies and receptions) and funerals can have up to 50 people, plus officiants, and are not eligible for multiple cohorts.
  • Recreational activities:
    • Gyms/fitness facilities, museums and libraries may operate if physical distancing and other public health measures are followed and group activities follow gathering limits.
    • Organized recreation and team sports may resume following gathering limits with enhanced attention to records for contact tracing. 
  • Businesses and NGOs:
    • Retail stores, markets and craft fairs may operate if physical distancing and other public health measures are maintained.
    • In-person consumption of food and drink at restaurants and bars can have a maximum table size of 10 and must close by 12:00 am. There is a limit of 50 people in these establishments with an additional three groups of 50 permitted with an approved operational plan. 
  • Child care
    • Unlicensed and licensed childcare centres will continue to operate at 100% capacity.
  • Health care 
    • All health care services and health care providers may continue to operate as normal.
  • Long term care
    • Residents will continue to have up to three partners in care and designated visitors. 
  • Education and training
    • Full time classroom learning for K-12 with public health measures in place.
    • Post-secondary education and training through online and/or in-person learning with public health measures in place. 

Islanders are urged to get tested if they experience any symptoms of COVID-19, even after a previous negative test, and to self-isolate until the results come back. Islanders are also encouraged to download the free national COVID Alert app, which will let them know if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Prince Edward Island currently has 16 active cases of COVID-19 and has had 143 positive cases since the onset of the pandemic.

Information about the province’s COVID-19 cases is available online.

For the latest information about Prince Edward Island’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit: COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Prince Edward Island


The Chief Public Health Office continues to work closely with the federal government, provincial and territorial counterparts, government departments and Health PEI to monitor the pandemic situation and prepare for all COVID-19 related impacts to the province, including health, social and economic. The public health risk of COVID-19 is continually reassessed and Islanders will be updated as new information becomes available.
Everyone is encouraged to follow routine prevention measures:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water 
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue 
  • Stay home if you are not feeling well 
  • Limit touching your eyes, nose and mouth 
  • Keep your circle of contacts small 
  • Wear a mask in closed, indoor public spaces 
  • Physical distance - stay two meters (6 feet) apart 
  • Don’t share items like drinking glasses and water bottles 
  • Frequently clean surfaces like taps, doorknobs and countertops 
  • Visit a drop-in-clinic to be tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms 

Media Contact:
Samantha Hughes
Health and Wellness 

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121