
Wastewater Delivery System Nearing Completion

The Town of Stratford Wastewater Delivery System is almost complete. The Town’s wastewater is now flowing to the Charlottetown Pollution Control Plant and, once adequate time is elapsed to ensure there are no issues, the final decommissioning of the existing lagoons will begin this spring.    

Project construction began in the Fall of 2019 and will conclude with the decommissioning of the existing lagoon wastewater treatment facility in Stratford.  The project also included approximately 2.5 kilometres of sewer forcemain and associated civil works that connects to the City of Charlottetown wastewater collection system. The Town intends to turn the decommissioned lagoon area into green space to create a more inviting entrance to the community.

“Residents of both Stratford and Charlottetown will be happy to see this project completed. Upgrades like this may not be glamorous, but they are important infrastructure investments that make a big difference in our communities.”

- Transportation and Infrastructure Minister James Aylward

“The completion of this project has been many years in the making,” added Stratford Mayor Steve Ogden. “To have this operational presents residents, businesses and our staff and council with an exciting opportunity to reclaim much of the land at the western entrance to our community which is no longer required for the lagoons. We look forward to a future without odour issues to contend with in this area of the Town, and to the future possibilities this will mean for the area, and all of Stratford.”

“In preparation for this project, the City of Charlottetown completed upgrades at its treatment plant and has work ongoing that, when combined with the efforts of our government partners, will improve wastewater management for the entire greater Charlottetown area,” said Charlottetown Mayor Philip Brown. “All of these infrastructure improvements were the result of all three levels of government coming together to fund efforts to protect and improve water quality in the Charlottetown Harbour, which ultimately benefits the natural environment, the fishery and residents.”

“This is a really important upgrade for our communities, said Hon. Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada. “Increasing our green space and addressing the odour issues are two things that I know folks in this area will appreciate, and I’m very pleased that our government was able to provide funding to help make it possible.”

Working together with both levels of government, the Town of Stratford and the City of Charlottetown will benefit from this upgraded system. 

Funding from the Government of Canada was provided through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. The total cost of the project is $10,925,000. The province of Prince Edward Island contributed $2,731,250.

Media Contacts:
Spencer Lee 
Senior Communications Officer
Transportation and Infrastructure

Wendy Watts
Community & Business Engagement Manager
Town of Stratford

Doug Dumais
Community Engagement Assistant
City of Charlottetown

General Inquiries

Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
3rd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street,
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5100
Fax: 902-368-5395

Access PEI/Highway Safety Head Office
33 Riverside Drive
Charlottetown, PE
Phone: 902-368-5200

Road-Related Inquiries: roads@gov.pe.ca

All other Transportation and Infrastructure inquiries: DeptTI@gov.pe.ca

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