Survol : Transports et Infrastructure

Le ministère des Transports et de l’Infrastructure s’occupe des infrastructures clés permettant les déplacements du public et le transport efficace de biens. Le ministère fournit l’infrastructure nécessaire aux services gouvernementaux en s’occupant de travaux de construction, de la gestion des terres de la Couronne, de l’entretien d’immeubles et de la gestion d’installations. Le ministère travaille à l’amélioration des biens durables de la province et veille à ce que le réseau routier soit sécuritaire pour l’ensemble de la population. 

Parmi les priorités du Ministère, il y a notamment : 

  • Élaborer des plans de renouvellement de l’infrastructure et collaborer avec d’autres gouvernements pour assurer leur mise en œuvre;
  • Fournir des services de premières lignes par l’entremise d’Accès Î. P. É. et travailler à leur amélioration.

Structure et équipe

Entretien des routes

The Highway Maintenance Division provides year round maintenance services to the province’s highways, as well as summer maintenance to the Confederation Trail. 

Winter operations run from November to May and summer operations run from June to October.

Annual winter operations across the province's highways involve salting, sanding and snow removal. Work can also include temporary patching of paved roads, water drainage and washout repairs. If you would like to report a problem, contact the office in your region: Prince County, phone (902) 888-8275; Queens County, phone (902) 368-4770, Kings County, phone (902) 652-8960

During winter storms or adverse weather conditions, staff members answering calls at a Dispatch Office can be very busy.  In the event you are connected to the Dispatch Office's voice message centre, please leave a clear, detailed message including the name of your community, the road about which you are calling, as well as a phone number where you can be reached.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Activités d'entretien du réseau routier

Regional operations provide year-round maintenance services for all provincially owned roads across the Province. These services include: pavement surface maintenance, roadside maintenance, drainage and stormwater, unpaved roads, dust control, snow & ice control. (Maintenance of signage, pavement marking and traffic control devices is provided by the Capital Projects Division).

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Direction de la mécanique
Finances et ressources humaines
Projets immobiliers

The Capital Projects Division is responsible for the design and construction of highways and bridges for the province. This division is split into the eastern region and western region.  

The division provides the following services:

  • Development of an annual and multi-year road construction program
  • Provide design services for the highway and bridge network on PEI for reconstruction and rehabilitation purposes
  • Provide an inspection and maintenance program for the 1,294 bridge structures on PEI to ensure safety to the travelling public
  • The installation and maintenance of traffic signals, highway lighting, highway signage and highway marking
  • New highway accesses
  • Traffic operations in municipalities and other provincial jurisdictions
  • Ensuring all materials that are used to build our highways follow good quality control and assurance
  • Prepare and maintain Provincial Highway Network maps and Road Atlases, GPS field mapping
Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Circulation routière

The Traffic Operations section is responsible for the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices and traffic operations for the province, as well as technical and informational support to the Department for its highway construction and highway maintenance activities.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Conception et entretien des ponts
Laboratoire de contrôle de la qualité
Secrétariat d’infrastructure

Infrastructure is a joint initiative between the Government of Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island. The program began in the fiscal year 2000-2001 and with millions of dollars invested in municipalities across the province to support major capital projects.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Politiques et planification
Terres et environnements
Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Gestion environnementale

The Environmental Management Section provides environmental planning, permitting and compliance management services to both internal and external clients who are proposing to undertake construction and maintenance activities within the public right-of-way.  Internal clients include Capital Projects, Highway Maintenance and Confederation Trail, and external clients include property owners, contractors, consultants and municipalities.

Additionally, the Environmental Management Section develops and implements environmental policy initiatives, actively partners with the broader watershed and environmental community and maintains the department’s Environmental Protection Plan.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel

The role of the Properties Section is four-fold: provide real estate services on behalf of all government departments in regards to the ownership of provincial properties; provide high quality and timely advice to the Government of Prince Edward Island on all property matters associated with Provincial lands including public roads and the Confederation Trail; provide quality service to all out-clients in the areas of Provincial Land Management; and, to manage the Province’s real property assets to their “highest and best use and, in doing so, stimulate and/or support the economy of Prince Edward Island.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel

The Section is managed by the Provincial Chief Surveyor who is responsible for maintaining a cadastral infrastructure that sustains the security of land tenure, thereby promoting secure economic development and prosperity in the Province.  The Chief Surveyor is a licensed land surveyor and is part of a specialized team within the Department that provides timely and efficient land and engineering services for the Department as well as other government departments and agencies.  Legislative responsibilities include: maintenance of the provincial survey reference system; providing specialist opinion and guidance on property related matters; regulating and advising on surveys completed under the Natural Gas Act and the Mineral Resources Act; and, providing an alternative for equitable resolution of certain boundary disputes.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Travaux publics et planification

The Public Works and Planning Division provides the staff and resources required to complete the design and construction of new capital building projects, renovation of existing buildings for Government departments, boards, and agencies as well as operate and maintain buildings owned or leased by the Department. General activities and specific projects carried out by each Section are summarized as follows:

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Building Design and Construction

The Building Design and Construction Section is responsible for the design and preparation of tender documents required for the construction or renovation of various government and client buildings; as well as the supervision and inspection of construction work to ensure that contracts are completed in accordance with plans, specifications, and budget allocations. The design work is either performed by staff or private consultants, engaged for a specific project.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel
Entretien des immeubles et installations

The Building Maintenance and Accommodations Section is responsible for the provision of quality services for Government in the areas of building operations, maintenance, and accommodations; including the day to day operation and maintenance of Government buildings and systems. It is also responsible for the short and long term spatial requirements of Government departments and agencies within Government owned and/or leased facilities.

Voir la liste des membres du personnel

Organismes, conseils et commissions

Téléc: 902-368-5385
Adjointe administrative de direction de la ministre
Adjointe administrative de direction de la sous-ministre
Senior Communications Officer

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Transports et de l’Infrastructure
Immeuble Jones, 3e étage
11, rue Kent
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5100
Télécopieur : 902-368-5395

Accès Î.-P.-É. / Bureau central de la sécurité routière

33, promenade Riverside
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)
Téléphone : 902-368-5200

Questions relatives à l’état des routes :

Autres questions liées aux Transports et à l’Infrastructure :

Signaler des problèmes liés aux transports