Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital is the provincial referral centre for specialized hospital services. The 243-bed facility provides emergency, surgical, inpatient and ambulatory care services.
When preparing to visit a patient in hospital or for your own hospital stay, visit Hospital Services to learn more about what you can expect, guidelines and other general information about Island hospitals.
For a listing of services offered at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and other information, view the Patient Services Directory.
Emergency care
If you or someone in your care has an urgent medical condition or is experiencing a health crisis emergency services are available 24 hours/day at Queen Elizabeth Hospital or call 9-1-1.
View current emergency department wait times.
Visiting hours
Family/partners in care can visit patients at any time as decided by the patient and in coordination with the health care team. Visitors can call the front desk or switchboard, or check with a health care provider before visiting a patient. Learn more about Family Presence and what you should know before visiting a patient.
Rest period: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Quiet hours: Begin at 8:30 p.m.
Ambulatory Care Centre
Ambulatory care includes a range of outpatient hospital services that patients receive by scheduled appointment. Ambulatory care patients do not require an overnight stay in a hospital. View the Ambulatory Care Services brochure .
Providing services in an ambulatory care setting has become the preferred standard for care. Services provided at the QEH Ambulatory Care Centre include:
- Dr. Patrick Gill Asthma Education Centre
- Eye Clinic
- Same-Day Treatment Unit
- Hemodialysis/Provincial Renal Clinic
- Specimen Collection
- Special Testing Services
- Shared Clinics
- Endoscopy/Cystoscopy/Lithrotripsy Services
- General X-Ray Services
- Neuro-Diagnostic Services/Cardio Respiratory Services
- Wound Care, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Services
- Health Information Centre
Children are seen at the QEH Pediatric Clinic on a referral basis and arrangements for an appointment can be made through your family doctor. Bring your child’s health card and any medications they are taking to all appointments. If you received a questionnaire in the mail, it must be completed and returned to the clinic within 1-2 weeks before your child’s appointment.
If your child has a fever or a rash, let the clinic know in advance of the appointment. If you must miss an appointment, contact the clinic well in advance.
Written reports will be sent to your family doctor after each visit. If your child has an unrelated problem that occurs between follow-up visits – this should be addressed by your family doctor, unless otherwise instructed. As a consultant, the Pediatrician does not replace your family doctor.
A new referral is usually required if your child has not been to the clinic for over a year.
Many children that come to the clinic have asthma or allergies; do not wear perfumes, colognes or heavily scented lotions.
To contact the QEH Pediatric Clinic, call (902) 894-2440 or email pedsclinic@ihis.org
Pediatric Clinic hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone hours: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
In an emergency, call or go to the Emergency Department.
Provincial Rehabilitation Unit
The Provincial Rehabilitation Unit is a specialized 20-bed unit located at the QEH. Ten beds are designated for stroke rehabilitation and 10-beds for general rehabilitation. Patients admitted to the unit include those with stroke, brain injury, amputation, spinal cord injury (both traumatic and disease-related), post-operative orthopedic surgery, multiple trauma and other disabling disorders of the musculoskeletal or neuromuscular systems. View the Patient Handbook .
A physician referral to the department's Physiatrist, or their designate, is required for admission to the rehabilitation unit.
The QEH Foundation raises funds for medical equipment for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. To make a donation, visit their website at www.qehfoundation.pe.ca or call, email or write to:
QEH Foundation
PO Box 6600
Charlottetown, PE C1A 8T5
Telephone: (902) 894-2425
Fax: (902) 894-2433
E-mail: info@qehfoundation.pe.ca
Adult Volunteers
If you would like to become a volunteer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to assist staff, patients/residents and families, you can apply online or call (902) 894-2003 for more information.
Youth Volunteers
Youth who have completed Grade 9, are still in high school, and wish to volunteer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital can apply online. Youth are encouraged to apply as early as Grades 7 and 8 to be on the waitlist after completion of Grade 9.
The Volunteer Handbook provides more detailed information about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Volunteer Services Program.
Contact Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
60 Riverside Drive
PO Box 6600
Charlottetown, PE C1A 8T5
Telephone: (902) 894-2111