Inspections, licences et permis
A permit is required to operate a public or semi-public swimming pool, whirlpool or water fun park in PEI. The permit is valid for one year from date of issue and must be renewed annually. You can apply for the permit using the online form below.
The PEI Department of Health & Wellness recognizes certain food safety training programs as equivalent to the National Guidelines for Food Safety Training Programs in the Food Retail and Food Service Sectors.
The following food safety training...
Les médecins doivent obtenir une autorisation d’exercer du collège des médecins et chirurgiens de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (en anglais).
Si vous êtes déjà autorisé à pratiquer au Canada, vous devez détenir un permis vous autorisant à pratiquer à l’Île-du...
When test results show elevated levels of bacteria in drinking water, the Department of Health & Wellness or Environmental Health may issue a “boil-water advisory” (BWA). Environmental Health recommends that you limit water exposure and practice due...
The Early Learning and Child Care Board issues a licence to a child care facility based on requirements specified in the Early Learning and Child Care Act. As part of the licensing process, Environmental Health inspects child care facilities and reports...
A valid licence is required to operate a food premises or to prepare and/or serve food to the public at any location in PEI. The licence expires each year on March 31st, except class 4 licenses, which do not expire. Apply for a Licence to Operate a...
The primary goal of the Food Premises Program offered by PEI Environmental Health is to prevent cases of food poisoning through consultation, education, and enforcement of regulations. Detailed inspections of all food premises in the province (...
Guidelines are provided for the general construction of a processing facility, as well as, the pre-killing holding area, refrigeration of inedible and edible products, sewage disposal, water supply, equipment, manure disposal, employee areas. These...
Any accommodation you provide for seasonal agricultural workers must meet provincial environmental health and safety requirements, i.e. kept in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition, and free from vermin and rodent infestation. The federal...
Vous devez détenir un permis provincial pour exploiter, construire ou entretenir toutes installations utilisées pour abattre ou transformer des animaux destinés à la consommation humaine. Une ou un vétérinaire doit inspecter et approuver toutes les...
You must have a licence to operate a food premises or to prepare and/or serve food to the public at any location - a super market, canteen, farmer’s market, craft fair, special/fundraising event, or home-based food/catering service, etc.
Your food...
Operational and Care Service Standards for Community Care Facilities (Revised 2016) are standards approved by Department of Health and Wellness and Community Care and Facilities and Nursing Homes Board for PEI community care facilities to meet provincial...
Important Update Regarding Paramedic Licensing
Transition from the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Board of Prince Edward Island to the College of Paramedicine of PEI: On April 1, 2024 the College of Paramedicine of PEI (CPPEI) was established under...
Tout le lait cru produit au Canada doit être pasteurisé dans un pasteurisateur approuvé avant la vente. Les installations de transformation du lait détenant un permis provincial font l’objet d’inspections rigoureuses et systématiques conformément au Milk...
Personal services involve the piercing or penetrating of human skin. To ensure public safety, inspections occur at facilities that offer procedures such as tattooing and body piercing.
Personal-service facilities in PEI do not require a licence, but are...
Food premises operators in PEI can register online for food safety training. A certified public health inspector will present current information on food hygiene, preparing food safely and preventing food poisoning. The one-day workshop will be offered...
Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) work closely with tenants and property owners to ensure that minimum health standards in long term rental accommodations are met. Legislative authority for this program includes the PEI Rental Accommodation...
For any health-related concern in a long-term rental property, first contact your landlord or the rental property owner. If your concern is not addressed in a reasonable period of time you may request an environmental health inspection using the online...
If an employer plans to provide housing for seasonal agricultural workers, the dwelling must be inspected prior to the workers arrival. In PEI, inspections are most often completed by an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) with Environmental Health. ...
Every licensed food premises in PEI must be inspected annually to confirm its compliance with the minimum standards of the Public Health Act and Food Premises Regulations. Food-service operations subject to annual inspection include all sit-in and take-...
If a food premises inspection or follow-up inspection finds a PEI food establishment does not meet the minimum standards set out in the Food Premises regulations, the violation will be recorded and a warning will be issued.
Only the food premises that...
The three main changes to the Act and Regulations are:
1. The age to purchase tobacco or an electronic smoking device has changed from 19 to 21 years of age. However there will be a transition period where individuals who turned 19 years of age before...
Il faut détenir un permis de services alimentaires de classe 3-A ou 3-B pour offrir des services alimentaires à un kiosque, dans une structure ou dans une unité mobile lors d’une activité temporaire, comme une foire communautaire ou un concert, une...
Les prestataires de services de transport terrestre par civière à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, à l’intention des personnes qui ne nécessitent pas de surveillance médicale, doivent être titulaires d’un permis en vertu de la Stretcher Transportation Act (loi...
Si vous remarquez une situation environnementale posant des risques de blessure ou de maladie, vous pouvez la signaler à Hygiène de l’environnement. Des agentes et agents en hygiène de l’environnement sont disponibles pour discuter de toute préoccupation...
A permit is required in order to operate a public or semi-public swimming pool, whirlpool or water fun park. It is valid for one year only and must be renewed annually. Public and semi-public pools are inspected up to three times each year for water...
Tanning facility operators in PEI are required by law to prohibit access to anyone under age 18 years and must visibly display signage indicating the health hazards associated with using tanning equipment.
Tanning facilities will be routinely inspected...
Food operators can print this colour poster on letter-size paper for employees to use in food preparation areas.
Tobacco and electronic smoking device retailers wishing to inform themselves about legislation, store policies, and staff training will find this document a valuable resource.
New tobacco and nicotine vaping laws came into force on March 1, 2020 in Prince Edward Island.
The minimum age for purchasing tobacco and nicotine vaping products increased to age 21.
If you were already 19 when the minimum age increase came into...
Un permis de vente au détail est requis pour vendre des produits du tabac à l’Î.-P.-É. Il n’est cependant pas nécessaire d’en obtenir un pour vendre uniquement des cigarettes électroniques et leurs accessoires. Si vous vendez des produits du tabac ou des...